Скрипты с ресурса CodeCanyon (варез)

поставьте в конце концов 7zip и распакуйте им. все там в порядке. смешно уже.
2 nafanyaa
7z помог, спасибо.
какой сакральный смысл упихивать в множество архивов с разными расширениями,
F:\URL Shortener With API and Ads Support v1.2\url-shortener-with-api-and-ads-support\CC-url-shortener-with-api-and-ads-support\Shortener\Shortener : api\
и именовать несовместимыми символами.
onnegrio, уважаемый, Вам еще помоги, потрать свое время и включи телепатический эффект, еще и файлы свои перекачай по 2 круга. Так Вы еще и лицо плюете. Некрасиво с вашей стороны :-]
DDSlider - 10 Transitions - Inline Content Support


DDSlider introduces a new easy-to-go slider with 9 different unique transitions (+fading & random—11 total) that support Inline Content. You can also have multiple sliders in the same page

SmartAjax - Smart, Powerful and Easy to setup AJAX


SmartAjax is a new, highly flexible and scalable script for jQuery which is all you need to ajaxify your website.
Or in other words you can use the most recent web technologies to deliver outstanding user experience.
You can also submit forms with AJAX .

SmartAjax uses some HTML5 apis to support AJAX history without the need to use the hash-fragment (#). Older browsers which don’t yet support HTML5 will still continue to work with the hash (#url). Also if the user hasn’t enabled JavaScript it degrades gracefully and your website loads normally without AJAX .

SmartAjax is highly configurable with global and instance options which gives you enough flexibility to use it wherever AJAX is needed or preferred.



UberMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable mega menu ( or mega drop down menu ) WordPress plugin. It works out of the box with the WordPress 3 Menu Management System, making it simple to get started but powerful enough to create highly customized and creative mega menu configurations.
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