[Moved] Pro Desk Support Center v1.2 [TKT]

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


Хранитель порядка
7 Июн 2007
Компонент для создания службы поддержки.
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NAME: Pro Desk Support Center
TYPE: Joomla Component
NULLIFIER: TKT                               
RELEASE: May 24th, 2008                                    
WEBSITE: http://www.joomlashowroom.com
AUTHUR: Joomla Showroom
LICENSE: Commercial
PRICE: $99.99
DEMO: http://demo.joomlashowroom.com/
ADDONS: Documentation


* Joomla 1.0.x
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater


* com_Pro_Desk_v1.2.zip
* Pro Desk User Manual.pdf


Do you sell extensions, products, services, or templates? Using a forum for your support? 
No support system yet? Using email for support? Give your customers the attention that they deserve!

Help desk software is vital to the success of your help desk and customer support staff.


Pro Desk is a robustly featured help desk solution equipped with ticket support system, 
knowledge base, FAQ and customer testimonial manager which gives your site a more professional advantage 
and makes your life easier.


* Easy to use, user control panel-Each of your users will have access to their own mini control panel 
from where they can view old tickets, check ticket status, submit new and reply to old support tickets.

* Built in customer testimonial system-Pro Desk makes it easier then ever to collect and 
display your valuable customer testimonials.

If you receive a nice comment just by chance along with one of your support tickets, you can easily convert/edit 
and display that testimonial within your Pro Desk help desk users area.

Pro Desk also makes it easy for visiting users to browse through your existing customer testimonials 
and even specifically submit a testimonial if they feel so inclined. Pro Desk even offers a link back to their 
homepage as a way to say thanks.

* Knowledge base comment system-Pro Desk offers a user comment system for your knowledge base articles. 
All articles pending administrative approval so you can be sure that only quality comments appear in your help desk.

* The Pro Desk Pending Approval System-Both user comments and customer testimonials will be flagged for 
administrative approval prior to their addition within your Pro Desk help desk area.

* Ticket Archiving-Ticket archiving is an easy way to tuck old support tickets safely away without deleting 
them and you can easily un-archive archived tickets later if you wish.

* Support category customization-Pro Desk allows for the addition of any number of custom support categories: 
IE. billing, pre-sales questions etc.. The choice is yours.

* Support department customization-Further expand on your support ticket organization with Support Departments. 
We at Joomlashowroom.com might use a support department for each of our PHP scripts, 
what you use them for is up to you and remember, you can assigned either a support department 
or support category to a specific Pro Desk ticket administrator!

* Pro Desk template system-Pro Desk includes a full and easy to use template system. 
To get started just copy our default template and begin your customizations. 
All template pages will open up normally in Dreamweaver, Frontpage or your favorite HTML editor so you don't 
need to be a coder to get the look you want for your Pro Desk help desk.

* Customizable support ticket fields-Your ticket support fields are not limited to the basic layout that Pro Desk
provides, in addition to these form fields you can create up to 10 single line or multi line 
support ticket form fields.

At Joomlashowroom.com we use these custom fields to collect extra information that helps us answer your 
support request more quickly (such as your script admin URL and login information)... 
what you use these fields for is up to you.

* Two level category system-Pro Desk offers a two level category system, though you may opt to use only a single 
level if you wish. Knowledge base articles can be added to either a parent or child level category, 
the choice is yours.

* Built in F.A.Q system-While F.A.Qs and Knowledge Bases are considered by some a similar concept, we felt that 
while a knowledge base was good to load with tons of obscure information, a FAQ system might benefit the average 
user with quick and easy access to your most popular questions, and to this end Pro Desk includes a separate and 
distinct FAQ system.

As with customer testimonials and knowledge base articles : any support ticket can be edited and converted into 
a FAQ question quickly and easily.

* Announcements-Administrators can post announcements on the front page of the Pro Desk system letting customers
know about important news regarding support, products, etc. Use the announcement manager to keep your 
visitors informed of your technical support status.

* Attachment Support-Send and accept attachments from both the front and back sides of the software.

* Multiple Admin Support-Assign multiple administrators to a support departments. 
Multiple support personnel can  act as a team to support a single customer or assist another support person wssigned to a support department.


1. Unpack
2. Read Pro Desk User Manual.pdf
3. Install
4. Enjoy


Greetings to MAFiASCRiPTS, iAG, DGT, SharerzTeam and all other out there...

Беседовал с разработчиками данного компонента и вытянул из них следующую инфу о ближайших обновлениях:
1. Настройки дизайна не будут вытянуты в админку и их придётся как и ранее править в ручную
2. В ближайшее время будет добавлена поддержак мульти-язычности.

Не знаю заметили вы или нет, но демо-версия этого сайта долгое время была в ауте, но всё уже пофиксили.
если кому нуна - есть переводы на русский и иврит
А вот на счет русского перевода это интересно. Подскажите где взять.
Ребят, так что там с переводом? буду очень благодарен за него (ссыль можно и в ПМ шоб тут не разводить шум)
.... и за скрипт конечно большое спасибо :ay:
мертвые ссылки,
обновить новую ссылку, пожалуйста!
По просьбам трудящихся перезалил файлы
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.