[Moved] jForce Suite v1.11 !J1.0 (TKT)

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


Хранитель порядка
7 Июн 2007
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NAME: jForce Suite
TYPE: Joomla Component
NULLIFIER: TKT                               
RELEASE: May 24th, 2008                                    
WEBSITE: http://www.extremejoomla.com/
AUTHUR: Extreme Joomla
LICENSE: Commercial
PRICE: $295.00
DEMO: http://demo.extremejoomla.com/administrator
ADDONS: Mods & Documentation


* Joomla 1.0.x
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater


* com_jaccounts.zip
* com_jcontacts.zip
* com_jforce.zip
* com_jprojects.zip
* com_jsupport.zip


jAccounts: Quoting and Invoicing System 

Send quotes and invoices easily!  Receive payments automatically.

Now you can send out your quotes and invoices and collect payments with jAccounts and, of course, 
the best open source Web Content Management System - Joomla!.  
Your industry can be anything that requires quoting and invoicing, 
ideally the service-based industries are targeted with this initial release.  
More industry-specific variations are currently being created.

* Send quotes to clients
* Auto-generate the corresponding invoices
* Accept payments online
* and more!

What is jAccounts?

jAccounts is a comprehensive quoting and invoicing system that integrates directly into Joomla!, 
the award-winning CMS system. 
Why choose jAccounts?
We realize that there are dozens of CMS systems that are available.  
But we FIRMLY believe that Joomla! is the best. Based on this fact we are determined to provide high-quality 
components that integrate into this incredible CMS to further enhance the user's experience.
jAccounts was created as part of a greater system that is still in the works and begin developed...interested?  
We are actively seeking beta-testers to help us as we put the finishing touches on.

Features Highlight

* Services manageable
* WYSIWYG editor for descriptions
* Quotes assigned to users (clients)
* Invoices auto-generated upon quote save
* Clients can accept/deny quotes
* Quotes publish/unpublish capabilities
* Invoices publish/unpublish capabilities
* Invoices made available upon quote acceptance
* Emails completely configurable
* Configuration Manager
* Setup number of invoices
* Setup payment gateway
* Easy to edit stylesheet

jSupport: Trouble Tickets and FAQ's 

Organize your entire process with jSupport. 
This extension provides features and functionality that used to be available only for high-end enterprise systems. 
With jSupport, your issues won’t be lost, they will get solved.

Tickets – each Ticket is categorized and assigned to a Client and Account. 
A history of comments allows you to follow the entire lifecycle of the ticket and view its status.

FAQs – an invaluable feature of jSupport allows you to instantly convert a Ticket into an FAQ. 
With a single click you can create an FAQ, which in turn will promote confidence for customers, 
as well as increase their overall satisfaction.

Categories – customize the categories that pertain to your business. 
Each ticket can be designated into a category that works for your way of working.

jContacts: Lead and Contact Management 

With jContacts you can completely manage your sales funnel – accounts, contacts and leads. 
The streamlined interface works like you do, displaying key views for key people.

Accounts can be viewed alphabetically or searched directly; giving you the information you need on screen. 
You can also click to view more details.

Leads help you manage your time to increase business. 
Find a lead quickly, and drill down to view more detail. A notes field is available to add comments.

Contacts can be associated with Leads. The easy-to-fill-out form for a contact has all the details 
you will want to track. It also has the advantage of establishing the Contact as a Joomla User 
– so you don’t have to do double entry!

jProjects: Task and Project Management

Manage projects, tasks, files, and a calendar.

Manage projects quickly and easily through jProjects.  You have the ability to assign tasks, 
keep track of time spent, add files to a project and so much more.

What is jProjects?

jProjects is a comprehensive project management system that integrates directly into Joomla!, 
the award-winning CMS system.   

Why choose jProjects?
We realize that there are dozens of CMS systems that are available.
But we FIRMLY believe that Joomla! is the best.Based on this fact we are determined to provide high-quality 
components that integrate into this incredible CMS to further enhance the user's experience.
jProjects was created as part of a greater system that is still in the works and begin developed...interested?

Features Highlight

* Project Management
* Task Management
* File Management
* Time Tracking
* Calendar Viewing
* Project publish/unpublish capabilities
* Easy to edit stylesheet


jAccounts Features:

Quotes assigned to users (clients)

In order to integrate things as tightly as possible you are able to assign quotes to Joomla! users.  
Simply select their username from the dropdown when creating a quote or 
invoice and only that user will be able to access that quote/invoice.

Invoices auto-generated upon quote save

Invoices can be setup to automatically generate (unpublished) upon saving a quote.  
This can be configured for 1-5 invoices, the system will automatically break the quote into equal payments.  
You can turn this feature off if you prefer to hand-create your invoices.

Clients can accept/deny quotes

Clients have the capability in the client portal to accept or deny the quotes. 
Upon accepting a quote an email will be sent (configured in the admin panel) to both the admin as well 
as the client.  If they accept the quote and you have autogenerated the invoices then they will be published 
and the client will be able to pay.

Quotes publish/unpublish capabilities

Quotes are not visible to the client until they are published.  This allows the backend users to be able to
view/edit/modify the quotes before the client sees it.  When the quote is published an email is sent to the
client letting them know that the quote is now available.

Invoices publish/unpublish capabilities

Same features as quotes only when a client approves a quote it will change the status of any associated invoice 
to published automatically allowing the client to immediately make the appropriate payment. 

Emails completely configurable

The backend of the component allows you to change the emails that are sent (or turn them off) as you desire to 
make them fit your business model.

Configuration Manager

The backend configuration manager allows for a wide variety of customizations to be made give you control over 
the site functions easily and quickly.

Setup payment gateway

Payment gateways currently setup are PayPal, Google Checkout, Authorize.net, and 2Checkout.
If you are curious as to another payment gateway please drop us a line and we'll see what we can do.

Easy to edit stylesheet

The front-end stylesheet can be easily accessed and modified to best make the jAccounts fit your site design. 

jSupport Features:

Support Ticket System

Setup a complete ticketing system.  Track user tickets, assign priorities, assign managers, email updates.

Quick Convert FAQ

Solve a support ticket?  Think it's a frequent problem - single button click to convert the ticket to a 
frequently asked question.  Don't convert user specific comments, only general information.


Configure user commenting settings via the admin panel for frequently asked questions. 
Turn on Captcha codes if necessary.

Emails completely configurable

The backend of the component allows you to change the emails that are sent (or turn them off) as 
you desire to make them fit your business model.

Configuration Manager

The backend configuration manager allows for a wide variety of customizations to be made give you control 
over the site functions easily and quickly.

Easy to edit stylesheet

The front-end stylesheet can be easily accessed and modified to best make the jSupport fit your site design. 

jContacts Features:

Lead form integrates into web contact form

Replace the Joomla! contact form with a similar form that captures data directly into your jContacts 
extension as well as emailing the information to predefined email.

Quick convert leads to contacts

As soon as you have made contact with the client you can then convert that client from a lead directly to a contact.  
From there you can assign quotes and invoices and more to them!

Autocreate Jooml! user upon contact creation

When you create a contact you have the option to create a Joomla! user for them at the same time.

Contacts can update their own information

With the click of a button you can request that a contact update their information from the front end 
of your website.

Emails completely configurable

The backend of the component allows you to change the emails that are sent (or turn them off) as you 
desire to make them fit your business model.

Configuration Manager

The backend configuration manager allows for a wide variety of customizations to be made give you control 
over the site functions easily and quickly.

Easy to edit stylesheet

The front-end stylesheet can be easily accessed and modified to best make the jContacts fit your site design. 

jProjects Features:

Projects assigned to clients

In order to integrate things as tightly as possible you are able to assign projects to Joomla! users.  

Tasks assigned to users

Task can be assigned to anyone that has backend access to the system.
They can then track their time on the tasks (see Time Tracker).  They can also update the task status.

Clients can view their projects/tasks/files

Clients have the capability in the client center to view their projects, and see all associated tasks, and files.

Time Tracker

Users logged in to the backend can work on a task and have their time tracked by a convenient little popup.
Super Administrators can view times, make updates, etc.


A convenient calendar tracks all tasks.  This can be viewed as monthly, or daily. 
Quick add task popups are available as well as links to view current tasks.


Files can be added to any project for easy reference. 
Clients logged in on the front side can also view and download associated files.

Easy to edit stylesheet

The front-end stylesheet can be easily accessed and modified to best make the jAccounts fit your site design. 


1. Unpack
2. Install (com_jforce first and the rest through the com_jforce installer)
3. Enjoy


Greetings to MAFiASCRiPTS, iAG, DGT, SharerzTeam and all other out there...
А можно!

Перезалейте плиз а то скачал ранее и немогу найти а нужно сичас, буду очень признателен!

Добавлено через 8 минут
Перезалейте плиз а то скачал ранее и немогу найти а нужно сичас, буду очень признателен!
Я конечно очень признателен но в теме написано что эта сборка компонентов для Joomla 1.0.х а не для 1.5 так что пожайлуста дайте ктото к Joomla 1.0.х!:)
Ну незнаю!

Я скачал такой пак для Joomla 1.5 в другом топике этого форума, и спросил для есть ли к 1.0.х сказали тут но ссылка битая вот я и переспросил где автор темы плиз, дайте к 1.0.х или скажите что такого нету.
Перезалейте плиз.Единственное место с паком для 1.0, да простит меня модер.
Прощаю )))
Версия 1.11

* Joomla 1.0.x
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater

К сожелению, ни один из паков не работает без модификаций.

Всем кто попытался установить компоненты , вот что надо сделать:

1.Распаковываем com_projects
2.Откртываем jprojects.xml
3.Находим строчку <mosinstall type="jForceComponent">
4.Меняем на строчку <mosinstall type="component"> Сохраняем.
5.Запаковываем в zip

К сожелению, ни один из паков не работает без модификаций.

Всем кто попытался установить компоненты , вот что надо сделать:

1.Распаковываем com_projects
2.Откртываем jprojects.xml
3.Находим строчку <mosinstall type="jForceComponent">
4.Меняем на строчку <mosinstall type="component"> Сохраняем.
5.Запаковываем в zip


Конечно не работает.
Там ведь нужно сначала установить компонент com_jforce
А потом из него уже устанавливать други компоненті!!! :tcl:
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.