[Moved] iJoomla Sidebars v1.0.8 (TKT)

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


3 Янв 2008
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NAME: SideBars
VERSION: 1.0.8
TYPE: Joomla Component
NULLIFIER: TKT                               
RELEASE: May 2th, 2008                                    
WEBSITE: http://www.ijoomla.com
AUTHUR: iJoomla
LICENSE: Commercial
PRICE: $59.95
DEMO: http://www.ijoomla.com/ijoomla-magazine/joomla-magazine-component/live-demo/
ADDONS: Bot & Language Files


* Joomla 1.0.x
* PHP 4.1 or Greater
* MySQL 4.1.10 or Greater


* com_sidebars_1_0_8.zip
* niftybox_1_0.zip
* Language Files (22 files)


Want to make your article pages more exciting? 
Want to pack more information into a single page? 
Place ads? Use polls? 
RSS feeds? Or tease readers towards another article? 

SideBars are the perfect solution... and with the iJoomla SideBars Extension for Joomla, 
they're now a breeze to use.

NiftyBox for iJoomla SideBars

Install this Mambot if you want to utilize the round corners features of iJoomla Sidebars. 
This feature is available from version 1.0.8 and up only. Don't forget to publish this Mambot after the installation!


Banner SideBar

iJoomla SideBars lets you place advertising banners directly on your article pages, 
which frees you from having to depend on the placement and positioning of separate modules. 
Just create a Banner SideBars and add it to your article, anywhere you like. 
You can control whether it is aligned to the right or left margin of the article, 
and you can add borders to set the Banner SideBar apart from the article and make the SideBar more attractive.

RSS SideBars

{SideBar id=8}   RSS SideBars give you an easy and attractive way to add RSS feeds to your site. 
Simply add an RSS SideBar to your article and you'll be able to present fresh content on your article page 
automatically. Just choose any RSS feed, choose the formatting options you'd like for your SideBar,
and watch your users enjoy a steady flow of news and information with no additional effort.  

Google Ad Sense SideBar

Placing Google AdSense ads in your articles is a great way to generate revenue using ads that match your content.
You can place any of the Google AdSense banners or text ads in an AdSense SideBar, 
and then blend the SideBars into your articles which will help improve your clickthrough rates compared to 
AdSense ads that are not part of your articles. You can even use more than one Adsense SideBar on a page, 
and you can combine Google AdSense with other types of SideBars.

Module SideBar

Ever wanted to place a module inside an article? Joomla by itself won't let you. 
But now you can, thanks to the Module SideBar feature of iJooma SideBars. 
The possibilities are almost endless - for instance, you could include the latest forum posts, 
display an image gallery, or even play a video. Just specify the module position, 
add the appropriate SideBar tag... and you're done. 

Poll SideBars

With Poll SideBars you can now post polls on your individual article pages -- and display the results. 
This is great for creating a poll that asks a specific question that is directly related to the article itself. 
How neat is that?      

Latest Articles SideBars

Point your visitors towards new articles on your site by adding Latest Article SideBars
that contain the title and intro text of your newest content items. 
You can choose the categories you want to use for getting the articles from, 
the number of items to show in the SideBar, and whether to display the title, the intro text, or both... 
and much more.

Teaser SideBar

A great way to get readers to stay on your site longer is to add teasers to other articles they might be 
interested in. Your visitors will begin reading, become curious and click the "Read more" link to continue. 
The more pages they view, the more successful -- and profitable -- your site will become.  
Teaser SideBars make it easy, just select the article you want to use for the teaser, 
select the formatting options for the SideBar, and you're ready to place the SideBar anywhere you want.

Custom SideBars

SideBars are a great way to spice up any article--that's why magazines and newspapers use SideBars in their 
articles all the time. Custom SideBars are a great way to highlight any message inside an article--the place 
where your readers are already looking. For example, you could add some additional information 
related to the article, promote a product that has a tie-in to the article, announce an event, 
or even use it to post your readers' comments about the article. A little creativity here can go a very long way.  

Read more here: http://www.ijoomla.com/magazine/edition/iJoomla-SideBars-joomla-side-bar-extension/


1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Enjoy


Greetings to MAFiASCRiPTS, iAG, DGT, SharerzTeam and all other out there...

а почему там нет мамбота iJoomla Sidebars Mambot ?
а почему там нет мамбота iJoomla Sidebars Mambot ?
Мамбот есть!
По-идее он устанавливается автоматом вместе с компонентом.
Остается только его опубликовать.
Если нет - распотроши архив.. внутри все найдешь.
Что делать с "находкой", думаю, сам догадаешься.. :)

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.