Чекер доменов

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3 Окт 2006
Есть у когонибудь? Что бы загнал список, поставил чекатся, и смотришь потом логи что свободно, что занято. В принципе простейшая утилита, я бы и сам написал, но времени нет. Может кто заделится?
Fedor написал(а):
Есть у когонибудь? Что бы загнал список, поставил чекатся, и смотришь потом логи что свободно, что занято. В принципе простейшая утилита, я бы и сам написал, но времени нет. Может кто заделится?

Единственый минус - за раз берет всего лишь 3000 доменов:(
есть еще Rebrand Expired Domain Snifer:

Domain Name Organizer
The first thing you see when you open the program is the domain name organizer. No mater what part of the software you are using, all domain names you find will be added to the domain name organizer and sorted according to their length. You can select domain names from any list and drag them into the "Saved Domains" list to save them.
You can click the blue "C" icon above each list to copy the list.
You can click the red icon above each list to clear the list.
You can drag domains from any list into the "Saved Domains" list to save them. First select the domains you want to save. Then click them and drag them to the "Saved Domains" list.
You can double click on any domain name in the list to bring up its registration information.
Also, the "Registered Domains" list will frequently clear itself to keep the program from slowing down. Do not be alarmed if you see this happening.
Search Types
The first thing you should do to get started is to choose a search type from the dropdown list.
Search Types:
· Browse for names: This will open a web browser that automatically parses every page you view for domain names, and then checks to see if they are registered. Try visiting one of the preset sites, or just browse any page you want.
· Generate Name: Given a search term, the program will generate thousands of possible domain names by adding prefixes and appending words. When the list has been created, the domain names will automatically be checked for availability. You can edit the list of prefixes and appended words to customize the software. You can also save your list and check it later using the "Custom List" search type.
· Yahoo Search: Enter a search term and click "Search". A window will open and automatically search all of Yahoo.com's search result pages until it has found the number of domains you have specified. When the search is complete the domain names will be checked and added to the Domain Name Organizer.
· Google Search: Exactly the same as the Yahoo Search, but on Google.com
· Full Word List: The full word list is a compilation of millions of words from dictionaries, name lists, etc… You can scan the list to look for good expired domain names. The full word list may take a few seconds to load, please be patient.
· All Two Letter, Three Letter, Four Letter: Check the availability of every combination of letters. These short domain names are in high demand and worth a lot of money.
· Custom list: Scan lists of domain names. A lot of lists, from actor's names to computer terms, have been included in this software. You can even create your own, they are simple text files with one domain name per line.

Special Features
If your results lists have more than 20,000 entries they will automatically be saved to prevent data loss in the event of a crash. You will be notified if this happens.
Your high- and mid-profile domains from searches are automatically saved in a folder called "backups", in the directory where you installed this software. In the event of a system crash, you may recover the lists there.
If you perform a yahoo or google search, all of the domain names you find will be saved as text files in a folder called "Searches" in the directory where you installed the software. You can use these lists again by selecting them using the "Custom List" search type.

А генератор имен где можно достать?
Вот если бы кто выложил утилитку которая свободные домены которые освободятся там скажем за 1 день и есче беки по ним подсчитывала, а есче и инфо по хуиз вот это бы дело было....
Domain Name Organizer - файлик потёрли, перезальёшь?

верхний чекер вроде хуиз сразу делает, кстати тетстит сразу 5000.
  • Заблокирован
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дожили - генератоор имён уже а голова не работает чтоли уже?
а ты попробуй в зоне ком придумай 5значный домен
думаю проще подобрать
А скрипта для проверки нет? Под виндой тяжело проверять. Проще на сервер список закинуть и получить отчет о свободных.
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