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TinyMCE Released
Fixed bug where font sizes and faces wouldn't be changed correctly when there was a parent with a different style.
Fixed bug where adding fonts to the same selection would produce redundant spans.

Release notes

Version 3.2
Added new text style support, it will now use span elements internally instead of font elements.
Added new improved support for the theme_advanced_font_sizes option, check the Wiki for details.
Added new keep_style setting that maintains the text style on return/enter on non IE browsers, enabled by default.
Added new onBeforeSetContent/onBeforeGetContent/onSetContent/onGetContent events to the Selection class.
Added new selectByIndex method to ListBox class. This enables you to select list items by an index instead of a value.
Added new possibility to the select method of the ListBox class. This can now have a selector function as it's value argument.
Added new possibility to skip the loading of popups css by setting the feature popup_css to the value false.
Added new possibility to skip translation of popups by setting the translate_i18n feature to false.
Added new element_format option enables you to produce HTML element endings instead of XHTML. But we are still in the XHTML is better camp.
Added missing allowfullscreen and quality options for flash elements, this will now get correctly stored.
Fixed bug where table cell dialog didn't close properly unless the accessibility_warnings option was set to false.
Fixed bug where the modal dialog blocker element for inlinepopups wasn't placed at a correct location if the page had scroll.
Fixed bug where non inline dialogs didn't close correctly if the inlinepopups plugin was used.
Fixed bug where non inline dialogs could make the modal dialog blocker to work incorrectly.
Fixed bug where style select wasn't populated correctly if you pressed the arrow. Patch by Hari Karam Singh.
Fixed bug where toggling the fullscreen mode didn't restore scrollbars on IE when the editor was inside a frame. Patch by Jacob Barrett.
Fixed bug where inserting flash contents using the template plugin didn't work correctly.
Fixed bug where inserting flash contents using the selection.setContent or mceInsertContent command didn't work correctly.
Fixed bug where IE would produce an exception if a comment started with -.
Fixed bug where the blockquote button would wrap lists incorrectly on non IE browsers.
Fixed bug where Opera would display BR elements in the element path.
Fixed bug where xhtmlxtras didn't insert elements correctly on IE.
Fixed bug where the buttons wasn't activated correctly in the xhtmlxtras plugin.
Fixed bug where adding an object as the style attribute for the dom setAttribs method wouldn't work.
Fixed bug where the background color would bleed out to parent container element in Gecko.
Fixed bug where the insert column actions for tables would fail if you did it in a thead or tfoot. Patch contributed by T Andersen (tan73).
Fixed bug where event blocker element wasn't positioned correctly for the inlinepopups plugin.
Fixed bug where pasting from Office 2007 would produce an odd comment in the contents.
Fixed bug where the paste as plain text could remove an extra character. Patch contributed by Speednet.
Fixed bug where some characters where missing for the paste_replace_list option. Patch contributed by Speednet.
Fixed bug where removing non existing editor instances by the mceRemoveControl command would produce an error.
Fixed bug where meta elements with the name description would produce errors in IE.
Fixed bug where color and background colors wouldn't be updated properly.
Fixed bug where the createMenuButton of tinymce.ControlManager didn't implement the last class argument.
Fixed bug where the editor_css option was relative from the TinyMCE installation directory not the current page.
Fixed bug where elements wouldn't be padded if the element contained bogus br elements. For example TD elements.
Fixed bug where parsing of <body > in fullpage plugin would produce an error.
Fixed bug where relative urls with just ./ would become an empty string.
Fixed bug where outdent button would be disabled if inline_styles where set to false.
Fixed bug where replace with an empty search string would produce an error on IE.
Fixed bug where restoring the overflow state of the body in fullscreen plugin running on IE would produce vertical scrollbars.
Fixed bug where pressing return/enter in list items would sometimes move the caret the to top of the content area in FF.
Fixed bug where the style listbox wouldn't be updated correctly if you used the use_native_selects option.
Fixed bug where WebKit browsers would produce a div element when ending list elements using return.
Fixed so translation of popup contents only occurs if it's needed.
Optimized the URI object in regards or converting absolute URIs to relative URIs.
Не у кого нет проблем с всплывающими окнами (добавление таблицы, картинки и т.д.) в Mozilla 3
TinyMCE Released
Here is the changelog:
Fixed bug where the SelectBox and NativeSelectBox wasn't updated correctly if undefined was passed to them.
Fixed bug where the style dropdown wasn't correctly changed back to it's original state when element had no class.
Fixed bug where multiple pending font styles wasn't handled correctly.
Fixed so you can disable all auto css loading for dialogs by setting the popups_css option to false.
TinyMCE 3.х

А как это на Джумла 1,5,х ставить правильно TinyMCE 3.х? Подскажите с краткой инструкцией. А то перепиской содержимого папок только глюки получаются...
TinyMCE 3.2.1 Released
Version 3.2.1
Added support for custom icon image for drop menus. Use icon_src to set a custom image directly.
Added new media_strict option to media plugin. Enables you to control if the flash embed is strict or not. Enabled by default.
Fixed so the editors script files gets dynamically loaded without using XHR or eval.
Fixed so the media plugin outputs valid XHTML object elements for Flash movies. Can be disabled with the media_strict option.
Fixed so dynamic loading doesn't require eval calls on non IE browsers for better Air support.
Fixed bug where the editor wasn't treated as empty if the remaining paragraph had attributes.
Fixed bug where id's of elements was removed ones they got wrapped in paragraphs. Patch contributed by ChronoZ.
Fixed bug where WebKit browsers where placing list elements inside paragraph elements.
Fixed bug where inserting images or links would produce absolute urls on WebKit browsers.
Fixed bug where values for checked, readonly, disabled and selected attributes was incorrect on IE.
Fixed bug where positive values for checked, readonly, disabled and selected attributes wasn't forced to valid values.
Fixed bug where selecting the first option in a native select box would produce an undefined error.
Fixed bug where tabindex 32768 could be outputted on IE if element attributes where cloned.
Fixed bug where the media dialogs preview window would display incorrect contents due to duplicate clsid prefixes.
Fixed bug where non pixel or percent heights for textarea elements would produce errors on IE.
Fixed bug where cdata sections in script elements wasn't handled correctly.
Fixed bug where nowrap of table cells would produce a 65535 value output.
Fixed bug where media plugin would produce an error if you selected the first item in the items list.
Fixed bug where media plugin would modify links with the item _value in them.
Fixed so table width/height is better forced if inline_styles is enabled. Patch contributed by daKmoR.
Fixed css for IE 8 such as opacity and other rendering quirks.
:-] nulled & cracked ?

amv70, а что качается по твоим ссылкам? Вроде TinyMCE 321 можно слить с сайта разработчика _ttp://tinymce.moxiecode.com/download.php

Ну, кто нить подскажет как версию 3 внедрить в Джумлу 1.5.7 в качестве встроенного редактора?

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся читал

Нарыл такое, но как и что менять не пойму. Делаю - не работает :(

Обновление TinyMCE в Jommla 1.5.5

Заходим на сайт разработчиков TinyMCE Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся и качаем эту замечательную штуку! распаковываем и заливаем на наш сервер по FTP в корень сайта и дописываем в начало нашего админочного index.php вот такой код: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
mode : "textareas",
language : "ru_CP1251",
document_base_url : "../index.php",
convert_urls : false

обновить редактор TinyMCE с версии 2 до версии 3.1. Я пробовал заменить файлы редактора это не помогло. Вот теперь не знаю что и делать если кто то сталкивался с этой проблемой подскажите плиз как это можно сделать.

Добавлено через 12 минут
ураааа!!!!! свершилось оказывается надо было подправить чуть чуть файл tinymce.php
а именно просто изменить две функции
function TinyMCE_Save(editor_id, content, node)
return content;

function onGetContent( $editor ) {
return "tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent();";
вот что надо дописать.
Никто не сталкивался с проблемой отображением шрифтов в браузерах??
Я говорю про изменение кегля из pt в px.

Если кто знает, можете написать?
К TinyMCE 3.X есть неплохой file/image менеджер - Tinybrowser.
Пробовал ставить на CMS Santafox, работает нормально.
Проверял в IE, FF3, Opera9.
P.S. Немогу пока добавить ссылку, нет прав.