[Другое] - TinyMCE -

Подскажите, кто прикручивал Ajax File Manager как можно сделать, что б когда открывалось его окно оно было развернуто на весь экран? И еще как вывести в главное окно, где расположены кнопки обновить, загрузить, выделить все, кнопку редактировать изображение, а то Opera не открывает выпадающее меню, которое можно видеть в IE. Спасибо.
Что-то я ничего не пойму с AFM, даже на сайте у них в демке (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся) нет отличий, как им пользоваться ваще? (я имею ввиду вкупе с тини мце). Да, кстати, из демок аплоадер ещё не пашет, грустно, мне бы пригодился..


с tinymce разобрался, всё настроил, но при загрузке файла в AFM выскакивает ошибка javascript'a:


name: SyntaxError
message: Statement on line 197: Syntax error in call to eval: line 4 : 

  Line 197 of linked script http://cms/_trash/a/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/jscripts/ajaxfileupload.js
    return data;
  Line 98 of linked script http://cms/_trash/a/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/jscripts/ajaxfileupload.js
    var data = jQuery.uploadHttpData(xml, s.dataType);
  At unknown location
    [statement source code not available]



name: TypeError
message: Statement on line 76: Could not convert undefined or null to object
  Line 76 of linked script http://cms/_trash/a/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/jscripts/ajaxfileupload.js
    xml.responseText = io.contentWindow.document.body ? io.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML : null;
  At unknown location
    [statement source code not available]


кто сталкивался? :-(
  • Заблокирован
  • #23
я тоже выбрал TinyMCE за его поддержку еще и Оперы, но ради бога, пожалуйста, отлаживайте js сперва в FF + FireBug (по крайней мере, пока оперовцы не выпустят DragonFly 1.0)

AFM смотрел, но отказался от него в силу общей кривокосости его. Уж лучше тогда Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся - файлменеджер от FCKEditor. Он тоже лапшеобразный, но попроще и понадежнее. Но модифицировать его все равно пустая трата времени.

*мечтательно* вот бы кто от Xinha прикрутил ExtendedFileManager к TinyMCE... :) Да нет, проще свой плагинчик написать.
2008-06-02 2008-06-02 TinyMCE 3.0.9

Единственное: кроссбраузерности (опера/огнелис)они не добились.
Переходить буду только как эта версия уйдет из альфы и "устоканиться"
Переходить буду только как эта версия уйдет из альфы и "устоканиться"
уже давно перешел из альфы в релиз

Сейчас доступна TinyMCE 3.1.0
Fixed bug where the paste as text didn't work correctly it was encoded and didn't produce paragraphs and br elements.
Fixed bug where embed element in XHTML style didn't work correctly in the media plugin.
Fixed bug where style elements was forced empty in IE. The will now be wrapped in a comment just like script elements.
Fixed bug where some script elements wrapped in CDATA could fail to be serialized correctly.
Fixed bug where FF 3 produced -moz- internal styles in some style attributes.
Fixed bug where query strings and external URLs didn't work correctly in style attributes.
Fixed bug where shape attribute of area elements got serialized as rect regardless of it's initial value in IE 6.
Fixed bug where selection of elements inside layers would fail in IE since focus was moved to the document body.
Fixed bug where pressing enter/return in an editable select box would produce an __mce_add_custom__ class value.
Fixed bug where changing font size of text placed inside a colored text chunk would remove the parent node.
Fixed bug where Opera 9.5 final produced a strange line break behavior due to a workaround for previous Opera versions.
Fixed bug where text/background color would produce a strange focus problem when you tried to click on the body in IE.
Fixed issue where selecting the title of an listbox equals the old 2.x behavior of changing the value to an empty string.
Fixed issue where it was common for the media plugin to break if the _value attribute wasn't added for the param element.
Fixed issue where the wrong parent editor instance might be updated if you use fullscreen mode in an incorrect way.
Fixed issue where Safari was producing a warning about the base element not being closed correctly.
Removed redundant form element name matching from regexp in the DOMUtils class.
TinyMCE 3.1.1 Released
Added new getSize method to DOMUtils it will return the dimensions only of an element.
Added new alert/confirm methods to the tinyMCEPopup class to prevent focus problems and also to shorten method calls.
Added new plugin_preview_inline option to preview plugin to enable/disable native/inline dialogs.
Added new readonly option. If this is set the editor will only display the contents for the user.
Added missing tabindex and accesskey to input elements in the default valid_elements setup.
Updated firebug lite to 1.2, to enable it use the tiny_mce_dev.js?debug=1 on the development package.
Fixed so the preview dialog in the preview plugin uses inline dialogs/popups.
Fixed so CDATA sections remains intact through the serialization process of the DOM tree.
Fixed various issues with the getAttrib command. It will now return more correct values.
Fixed bug where the embed element wasn't properly parsed in the media plugin it now supports 3 formats.
Fixed bug where the noshade attribute was serialized incorrectly on IE.
Fixed bug where editing an existing link element didn't force it relative.
Fixed bug where image link creation fails on Safari if the image is aligned.
Fixed bug where it was possible to scroll the fullscreen mode in Opera 9.50.
Fixed bug where removal of center image alignment would fail. Patch contributed by Andrew Ozz.
Fixed bug where inlinedialogs didn't work properly if the doctype was incorrect in IE.
Fixed bug where cross domain loading didn't work correctly in Opera 9.50.
Fixed bug where breaking huge text blocks with return/enter key would scroll to end of block.
Fixed bug where replace button kept inserting the replacement text even if there is no more matches.
Fixed bug with fullpage plugin where value wasn't set correctly. Patch contributed by Pascal Chantelois.
Fixed bug where the dom utils setAttrib method call could produce an exception if the input was null/false.
Fixed bug where pressing backspace would sometimes remove one extra character in Gecko browsers.
Fixed bug where the native confirm/alert boxes would move focus to parent document if fired in dialogs.
Fixed bug where Opera 9.50 was telling you that the selection is collapsed even when it isn't.
Fixed bug where mceInsertContent would break up existing elements in Opera and Gecko.
Fixed bug where TinyMCE fails to detect some keyboard combos on Mac, contributed by MattyRob.
Fixed bug where replace all didn't move the caret to beginning of text before searching.
Fixed bug where the oninit callback wasn't executed correctly when the strict_loading_mode option was used, thanks goes to Nicholas Oxhoej.
Fixed bug where a access denied exception was thrown if some other script specified document.domain before loading TinyMCE.
Fixed so setting language to empty string will skip language loading if translations are made by some backend.
Fixed so dialog_type is automatically modal if you use the inlinepopups plugin use dialog_type : "window" to re-enable the old behavior.
А я очень надеялся, что в DLE 7.2 будет нормальный файл. менеджер, а они старый прикрутили...
А никто не встречал для версию редактора с бек-эндом для Google Web Toolkit(GWT)?