Проблемы со скриптом

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5 Сен 2011
Перенес сайт и такая проблема

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/bigo/data/www/ on line 15

* Part of the Fuel framework.
* @package    Fuel
* @version    1.0
* @author    Fuel Development Team
* @license    MIT License
* @copyright  2010 - 2012 Fuel Development Team
* @link      http://fuelphp.com
namespace Fuel\Core;
* The Autloader is responsible for all class loading.  It allows you to define
* different load paths based on namespaces.  It also lets you set explicit paths
* for classes to be loaded from.
* @package    Fuel
* @subpackage  Core
class Autoloader
    * @var  array  $classes  holds all the classes and paths
    protected static $classes = array();
    * @var  array  holds all the namespace paths
    protected static $namespaces = array();
    * Holds all the PSR-0 compliant namespaces.  These namespaces should
    * be loaded according to the PSR-0 standard.
    * @var  array
    protected static $psr_namespaces = array();
    * @var  array  list off namespaces of which classes will be aliased to global namespace
    protected static $core_namespaces = array(
    * @var  array  the default path to look in if the class is not in a package
    protected static $default_path = null;
    * @var  bool  whether to initialize a loaded class
    protected static $auto_initialize = null;
    * Adds a namespace search path.  Any class in the given namespace will be
    * looked for in the given path.
    * @param  string  the namespace
    * @param  string  the path
    * @return  void
    public static function add_namespace($namespace, $path, $psr = false)
        static::$namespaces[$namespace] = $path;
        if ($psr)
            static::$psr_namespaces[$namespace] = $path;
    * Adds an array of namespace paths. See {add_namespace}.
    * @param  array  the namespaces
    * @param  bool  whether to prepend the namespace to the search path
    * @return  void
    public static function add_namespaces(array $namespaces, $prepend = false)
        if ( ! $prepend)
            static::$namespaces = array_merge(static::$namespaces, $namespaces);
            static::$namespaces = $namespaces + static::$namespaces;
    * Returns the namespace's path or false when it doesn't exist.
    * @param  string      the namespace to get the path for
    * @return  array|bool  the namespace path or false
    public static function namespace_path($namespace)
        if ( ! array_key_exists($namespace, static::$namespaces))
            return false;
        return static::$namespaces[$namespace];
    * Adds a classes load path.  Any class added here will not be searched for
    * but explicitly loaded from the path.
    * @param  string  the class name
    * @param  string  the path to the class file
    * @return  void
    public static function add_class($class, $path)
        static::$classes[$class] = $path;
    * Adds multiple class paths to the load path. See {@see Autoloader::add_class}.
    * @param  array  the class names and paths
    * @return  void
    public static function add_classes($classes)
        foreach ($classes as $class => $path)
            static::$classes[$class] = $path;
    * Aliases the given class into the given Namespace.  By default it will
    * add it to the global namespace.
    * <code>
    * Autoloader::alias_to_namespace('Foo\\Bar');
    * Autoloader::alias_to_namespace('Foo\\Bar', '\\Baz');
    * </code>
    * @param  string  $class      the class name
    * @param  string  $namespace  the namespace to alias to
    public static function alias_to_namespace($class, $namespace = '')
        empty($namespace) or $namespace = rtrim($namespace, '\\').'\\';
        $parts = explode('\\', $class);
        $root_class = $namespace.array_pop($parts);
        class_alias($class, $root_class);
    * Register's the autoloader to the SPL autoload stack.
    * @return    void
    public static function register()
        spl_autoload_register('Autoloader::load', true, true);
    * Returns the class with namespace prefix when available
    * @param    string
    * @return    bool|string
    protected static function find_core_class($class)
        foreach (static::$core_namespaces as $ns)
            if (array_key_exists($ns_class = $ns.'\\'.$class, static::$classes))
                return $ns_class;
        return false;
    * Add a namespace for which classes may be used without the namespace prefix and
    * will be auto-aliased to the global namespace.
    * Prefixing the classes will overwrite core classes and previously added namespaces.
    * @param    string
    * @param    bool
    * @return    void
    public static function add_core_namespace($namespace, $prefix = true)
        if ($prefix)
            array_unshift(static::$core_namespaces, $namespace);
            array_push(static::$core_namespaces, $namespace);
    * Loads a class.
    * @param  string  $class  Class to load
    * @return  bool    If it loaded the class
    public static function load($class)
        // deal with funny is_callable('static::classname') side-effect
        if (strpos($class, 'static::') === 0)
            // is called from within the class, so it's already loaded
            return true;
        $loaded = false;
        $class = ltrim($class, '\\');
        $namespaced = ($pos = strripos($class, '\\')) !== false;
        if (empty(static::$auto_initialize))
            static::$auto_initialize = $class;
        if (array_key_exists($class, static::$classes))
            include str_replace('/', DS, static::$classes[$class]);
            $loaded = true;
        elseif ($full_class = static::find_core_class($class))
            if ( ! class_exists($full_class, false) and ! interface_exists($full_class, false))
                include static::prep_path(static::$classes[$full_class]);
            class_alias($full_class, $class);
            $loaded = true;
            $full_ns = substr($class, 0, $pos);
            if ($full_ns)
                foreach (static::$namespaces as $ns => $path)
                    $ns = ltrim($ns, '\\');
                    if (stripos($full_ns, $ns) === 0)
                        $path .= static::class_to_path(
                            substr($class, strlen($ns) + 1),
                            array_key_exists($ns, static::$psr_namespaces)
                        if (is_file($path))
                            require $path;
                            $loaded = true;
            if ( ! $loaded)
                $path = APPPATH.'classes/'.static::class_to_path($class);
                if (file_exists($path))
                    include $path;
                    $loaded = true;
        // Prevent failed load from keeping other classes from initializing
        if (static::$auto_initialize == $class)
            static::$auto_initialize = null;
        return $loaded;
    * Takes a class name and turns it into a path.  It follows the PSR-0
    * standard, except for makes the entire path lower case, unless you
    * tell it otherwise.
    * Note: This does not check if the file exists...just gets the path
    * @param  string  $class  Class name
    * @param  bool    $psr    Whether this is a PSR-0 compliant class
    * @return  string  Path for the class
    protected static function class_to_path($class, $psr = false)
        $file  = '';
        if ($last_ns_pos = strripos($class, '\\'))
            $namespace = substr($class, 0, $last_ns_pos);
            $class = substr($class, $last_ns_pos + 1);
            $file = str_replace('\\', DS, $namespace).DS;
        $file .= str_replace('_', DS, $class).'.php';
        if ( ! $psr)
            $file = strtolower($file);
        return $file;
    * Prepares a given path by making sure the directory separators are correct.
    * @param  string  $path  Path to prepare
    * @return  string  Prepped path
    protected static function prep_path($path)
        return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DS, $path);
    * Checks to see if the given class has a static _init() method.  If so then
    * it calls it.
    * @param    string    the class name
    protected static function init_class($class)
        if (static::$auto_initialize === $class)
            static::$auto_initialize = null;
            if (method_exists($class, '_init') and is_callable($class.'::_init'))
попробуйте namespace Fuel\Core; удалить ))
Поставь более свежую версию php, пространство имён доступно с версии 5,3,0

попробуйте namespace Fuel\Core; удалить ))
Фигня получится, потому как дальше в коде пространство имён все же используется.
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