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24 Мар 2006
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Boehner’s boner may surpass Weiner’s wiener in sex scandal infamy if Keith Olberman is correct.

Sitting down with talk show host Jimmy Fallon last night, TV personality Keith Olberman shared some gossip about Speaker of the House John Boehner. Commenting on the media’s fascination with Weinergate, Olberman told Fallon, “You know what’s next, right? Something with John Boehner .”

According to Olberman, “all sorts of rumors” have been circulating “for a long time” about the House speaker and Republican congressman.

“His nickname is ‘Boner,’” said Olberman. “He answers to that.”

Whether or not the Current TV host is out for just a laugh is anybody’s guess for now, but when Fallon questioned the authenticity of his allegation with an inquisitive "No!" Olberman responded with a blunt “You’re welcome!”

Olberman additionally discussed how seemingly everyone was eating up the Weiner tweet incident, politicians and pundits alike. “Democrats don’t support their own in these situations (and) Republicans love to be on the right aspect of a scandal like this as a result of it doesn’t happen that always,” he said.

He goes on to decision the political media a bunch of “morons,” and adds that, if you “provide them one thing that they'll really perceive — a penis,” then the story can dominate frontpages, even at a time like this.

Olberman conjointly mocked what most newsroom briefings should are like in the previous couple of weeks as Weinergate outshined actual news in the mainstream media.

“Of all these stories out here, we have a tendency to got climate modification, the economy is in a very mess…we got a penis story!”
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Boehner’s boner может сверх перейти Weiner’s wiener в секс скандале позор если Keith Olberman поведет себя корректно (будет правильным)