[Архив] Lasto Blog SEO Pepetun лицензия


5 Июн 2006
В марте 2011 вышла новая версия движка Lasto Blog SEO Pepetun. В этой версии изменена система лицензирования. Старые генераторы не работают. Имею возможность сгенерировать лицензию для всех желающих.
Сам блог выложить можешь?
Также интересует, огласите условия предоставления. Раз вы тут не выложили, то не бесплатно?
а как можно получить:сгенерированную лицензию?
Сам блог выложить можешь?
Если блог выложу, занулить сумеете? Там один файл под Зендом, нужно подправить и отучить от лицензии:
function scan_dir( )
    closedir(  );

function get_content_from_url( )
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_close(  );
    fputs(  );
    fputs(  );
    fclose(  );

function file_exist_or_not( )
    ob_start( );
    ob_end_clean( );

function get_citate_from_link( )
    preg_match_all(  );
    fwa(  );
    preg_match_all(  );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ), trim(  ) );

function send_to_moderator_the_citate( )
    array( $Tmp_3, "./data/track_backs/newposts" );
    array( substr(  ), substr(  ), substr(  ), substr(  ) );
    fwa(  );

function shorter_ob( )

function returner( )

function to_win( )
    array( $oslen, "\r" );
    array( iconv(  ), iconv(  ) );
    array( convert_cyr_string(  ), convert_cyr_string(  ) );

function clear_next_element( )

function get_host( )

function disclose_admin( )

function get_environment( )
    fwa(  );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    array( $action, $cat, $page );
    array( $action, $cat, $page );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    finita( );
    array( "contents", "all", 0 );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );

function get_referers( )

function blockade_of_chiters( $redirect = FALSE )
    array( md5(  ), parse_url(  ), parse_url(  ) );
    setcookie(  );
    meta_redirect(  );
    redirect(  );
    stop_full(  );

function add_hits_to_stat( )
    setcookie(  );
    array( parse_url(  ), parse_url(  ) );
    fwa(  );
    fwa(  );

function add_adds_to_page( )
    extract(  );
    fwa(  );

function extract_keywords( )
    parse_str(  );

function extract_browser( )

function is_bot( )
    array( "љ", "њ" );
    preg_match_all(  );

function found_to( )

function stop_full( )
    send_header(  );

function set_key_code( )
    array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, array( date(  ) ) );

function get_key_code( )
    array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, date(  ), "\r\n" );

function get_content( )

function send_to_email( )

function build_bottom_links( array( count(  ), count(  ) );

function get_action( )

function getmicrotime( )

function pr( )
    print_r(  );

function calendula( )
    get_template(  );

function show_calendula( )

function email_ok( )

function url_ok( )

function furl_ok( )

function fr( )
    clearstatcache( );

function rdb( )

function fwa( )
    flock(  );
    fwrite(  );
    flock(  );
    fclose(  );
    fw(  );

function fw( )
    set_file_buffer(  );
    flock(  );
    ftruncate(  );
    fwrite(  );
    flock(  );
    fclose(  );

function get_date( )

function paid_link( )

function arr2disk( )
    fw(  );

function disk2arr( )

function get_post_info( )
    array( $Tmp_2, $Tmp_2 );
    array( $id, $id, "No post exist", "", $null );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ) );

function show_anonce( get_template(  );

function safe_html_comments( )
    preg_match_all(  );

function show_post( array( get_date(  ), get_date(  ), get_date(  ), get_date(  ), safe_html_comments(  ), count(  ), count(  ) );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );

function show_comment( )
    get_template(  );
    ksort(  );

function show_comment_form( )
    get_template(  );

function get_anonse( )

function req_filter( )

function get_all_posts( )
    clearstatcache( );
    ( );
    sort(  );

function build_index( )
    sort(  );
    fw(  );

function get_index( )

function index_post( )
    sort(  );

function get_post( )

function remove_comment_from_post( fw(  );

function remove_trackback_from_post( )
    array( $Tmp_4, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php" );
    fwa(  );
    fw(  );

function get_day( )

function n10236( )

function n36210( )

function show_antichiter_code( )
    header(  );
    imagestring(  );
    imagesetpixel(  );
    imagepng(  );
    imagedestroy(  );

function grafic( )
    header(  );
    get_template(  );
    imageline(  );
    imagestring(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagestringup(  );
    imagepng(  );
    imagedestroy(  );

function redirect( )
    header(  );

function meta_redirect( )

function send_header( )
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );

function no_cracoziabs( )

function get_random_useragent( )
    fw(  );
    srand(  );

function page_from_cash( array( $Tmp_1, "./data/cash/index.php", preg_replace(  ) );
finita( );

function page_to_cash( )
    fw(  );

function task_to_clear_cash( )

function html2rgb( )
    array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
    array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
    array( 73, 73, 73 );

function panel_h1( )

function use_default_config( )
    extract(  );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ) );

function strrnd( )

function setpoint( $str = "a" )

function getpoint( $str = "a" )

function url_code( )

function url_decode( )

function replace_image_to_str( )

function replace_str_to_image( )

function limiter( )

function plugin_search_sronger( )

function get_com_page( )

function insert_waiting_comments( )
    ksort(  );

function insert_trackback( )
    ksort(  );

function numerator_of_comments( )
    ksort(  );

function part_of_comments( )
    ksort(  );
    krsort(  );
    ksort(  );

function get_template( )

function get_stat_morda( )
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    array( str_replace(  ), strtolower(  ) );
    incost(  );
    array( str_replace(  ), strtolower(  ) );
    array( str_replace(  ), get_day(  ) );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    fwa(  );
    array( get_day(  ), $Tmp_54, $Tmp_54, preg_replace(  ) );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    ksort(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    get_template(  );
    array( get_png_graph(  ), get_png_graph(  ), get_png_graph(  ) );
    array( array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ) );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ), array_sum(  ) );
    array_multisort(  );
    arsort(  );
    fw(  );

function get_stat_se( )
    send_header(  );
    get_template(  );
    arsort(  );
    arsort(  );
    arsort(  );
    srand(  );
    arsort(  );
    arsort(  );

function get_mots_db( )

function incost( }

function get_png_graph( )

function tabletermo( )
    arsort(  );
    array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_3 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_3 );

function rdb_cashe( )
    flock(  );
    fwa(  );
    fw(  );
    array( 1, 0 );
    flock(  );
    fclose(  );
    fwa(  );
    fw(  );
    rename(  );
    fw(  );

function search_popingues( )

function check_license( )
    fw(  );
    meta_redirect(  );

function start_here( )

function finita( $mes = "" )
    header(  );
    header(  );
    add_adds_to_page( );
    extract(  );
    extract(  );
    extract(  );
    array( plugin_search_sronger(  ), plugin_search_sronger(  ), show_calendula( ), "", $Tmp_1, trim(  ), $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
    preg_match_all(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    extract(  );

extract(  );
array( $Tmp_40, $Tmp_48 );
grafic(  );
get_template(  );
show_antichiter_code(  );
setpoint(  );
function stripslashes_deep( )
disclose_admin( );
get_referers( );
rsort(  );
blockade_of_chiters(  );
add_hits_to_stat(  );
get_environment( );
finita( );
finita(  );
extract(  );
array( trim(  ), $Var_13656 );
array( array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
array( array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
redirect(  );
finita( );
page_from_cash(  );
rsort(  );
get_template(  );
show_anonce(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
fw(  );
page_to_cash(  );
finita( );
page_to_cash(  );
finita( );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
session_name(  );
session_start( );
array( 2, $null, array_keys(  ), array_values(  ), array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
array( array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
preg_match(  );
preg_match(  );
meta_redirect(  );
mail(  );
finita( );
get_template(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
array( trim(  ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_1722, $Tmp_1723, $Tmp_1724, $Tmp_1725 );
get_template(  );
fw(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
finita( );
array( $Tmp_1961, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/index.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/", "./data/track_backs/newposts" );
array( rdb(  ), rdb(  ), disk2arr(  ), disk2arr(  ), disk2arr(  ) );
pr(  );
array( $Var_49368, $Var_49440, trim(  ) );
array( $Var_50664, $Var_50712, $Var_50808 );
fw(  );
array( $Tmp_2191, $Tmp_2198 );
array( $Tmp_2296, $Tmp_2311, $Tmp_2314, "Resume: ", "TrackBack added to IgnorList." );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
fw(  );
fwa(  );
sort(  );
fw(  );
finita(  );
remove_trackback_from_post(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
array( $Tmp_2546, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", array( trim(  ), trim(  ), preg_replace(  ), preg_replace(  ) ) );
fw(  );
fwa(  );
redirect(  );
array( "./data/track_backs/newposts", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/" );
fw(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
send_header(  );
finita(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
array( get_date(  ), "", "" );
finita( );
get_template(  );
finita(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
redirect(  );
header(  );
send_header(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
redirect(  );
send_header(  );
header(  );
send_header(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
sort(  );
(  );
( );
finita( );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3052, "./data/comments/newposts" );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
fwa(  );
finita(  );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", "./data/comments/newposts", "./data/comments/" );
fwa(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
rsort(  );
finita( );
insert_waiting_comments(  );
insert_trackback(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
show_comment(  );
show_comment_form(  );
finita( );
sort(  );
array( get_day(  ), get_day(  ) );
finita(  );
finita( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
insert_waiting_comments(  );
insert_trackback(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
show_comment(  );
show_comment_form(  );
finita( );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
array( trim(  ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3842, $Tmp_3843, $Tmp_3844, $Tmp_3845 );
get_template(  );
fw(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4000, $Tmp_4001 );
unlink(  );
unlink(  );
build_index(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
remove_comment_from_post(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
remove_comment_from_post(  );
fwa(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4322, array( trim(  ), trim(  ), preg_replace(  ) ) );
remove_comment_from_post(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
fwa(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
array( $Var_105600, $Var_105672 );
finita(  );
finita(  );
fw(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
( );
fw(  );
sort(  );
finita( );
array( $Var_108696, $Var_108768, "", $Tmp_4535, $Tmp_4538, $Tmp_4540, $Tmp_4544 );
finita(  );
fw(  );
redirect(  );
unlink(  );
redirect(  );
get_template(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
page_from_cash(  );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
rsort(  );
array( "", extract(  ), $Tmp_4700, $Tmp_4705, $Tmp_4713 );
preg_match_all(  );
arsort(  );
page_to_cash(  );
get_template(  );
build_index(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
extract(  );
rsort(  );
finita(  );
krsort(  );
array_multisort(  );
send_header(  );
page_from_cash(  );
get_template(  );
array( $out, $null );
ksort(  );
arsort(  );
page_to_cash(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
show_anonce(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
array_unshift(  );
show_comment(  );
show_comment_form(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
page_from_cash(  );
rsort(  );
finita(  );
page_to_cash(  );
finita( );
Если блог выложу, занулить сумеете? Там один файл под Зендом, нужно подправить и отучить от лицензии:
function scan_dir( )
    closedir(  );
function get_content_from_url( )
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_setopt(  );
    curl_close(  );
    fputs(  );
    fputs(  );
    fclose(  );
function file_exist_or_not( )
    ob_start( );
    ob_end_clean( );
function get_citate_from_link( )
    preg_match_all(  );
    fwa(  );
    preg_match_all(  );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ), trim(  ) );
function send_to_moderator_the_citate( )
    array( $Tmp_3, "./data/track_backs/newposts" );
    array( substr(  ), substr(  ), substr(  ), substr(  ) );
    fwa(  );
function shorter_ob( )
function returner( )
function to_win( )
    array( $oslen, "\r" );
    array( iconv(  ), iconv(  ) );
    array( convert_cyr_string(  ), convert_cyr_string(  ) );
function clear_next_element( )
function get_host( )
function disclose_admin( )
function get_environment( )
    fwa(  );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    array( $action, $cat, $page );
    array( $action, $cat, $page );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
    array( $action, $page, $cat );
    finita( );
    array( "contents", "all", 0 );
    send_header(  );
    redirect(  );
function get_referers( )
function blockade_of_chiters( $redirect = FALSE )
    array( md5(  ), parse_url(  ), parse_url(  ) );
    setcookie(  );
    meta_redirect(  );
    redirect(  );
    stop_full(  );
function add_hits_to_stat( )
    setcookie(  );
    array( parse_url(  ), parse_url(  ) );
    fwa(  );
    fwa(  );
function add_adds_to_page( )
    extract(  );
    fwa(  );
function extract_keywords( )
    parse_str(  );
function extract_browser( )
function is_bot( )
    array( "љ", "њ" );
    preg_match_all(  );
function found_to( )
function stop_full( )
    send_header(  );
function set_key_code( )
    array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, array( date(  ) ) );
function get_key_code( )
    array( 7, 48, 57, $Var_72, date(  ), "\r\n" );
function get_content( )
function send_to_email( )
function build_bottom_links( array( count(  ), count(  ) );
function get_action( )
function getmicrotime( )
function pr( )
    print_r(  );
function calendula( )
    get_template(  );
function show_calendula( )
function email_ok( )
function url_ok( )
function furl_ok( )
function fr( )
    clearstatcache( );
function rdb( )
function fwa( )
    flock(  );
    fwrite(  );
    flock(  );
    fclose(  );
    fw(  );
function fw( )
    set_file_buffer(  );
    flock(  );
    ftruncate(  );
    fwrite(  );
    flock(  );
    fclose(  );
function get_date( )
function paid_link( )
function arr2disk( )
    fw(  );
function disk2arr( )
function get_post_info( )
    array( $Tmp_2, $Tmp_2 );
    array( $id, $id, "No post exist", "", $null );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ) );
function show_anonce( get_template(  );
function safe_html_comments( )
    preg_match_all(  );
function show_post( array( get_date(  ), get_date(  ), get_date(  ), get_date(  ), safe_html_comments(  ), count(  ), count(  ) );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
function show_comment( )
    get_template(  );
    ksort(  );
function show_comment_form( )
    get_template(  );
function get_anonse( )
function req_filter( )
function get_all_posts( )
    clearstatcache( );
    ( );
    sort(  );
function build_index( )
    sort(  );
    fw(  );
function get_index( )
function index_post( )
    sort(  );
function get_post( )
function remove_comment_from_post( fw(  );
function remove_trackback_from_post( )
    array( $Tmp_4, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php" );
    fwa(  );
    fw(  );
function get_day( )
function n10236( )
function n36210( )
function show_antichiter_code( )
    header(  );
    imagestring(  );
    imagesetpixel(  );
    imagepng(  );
    imagedestroy(  );
function grafic( )
    header(  );
    get_template(  );
    imageline(  );
    imagestring(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagefilledrectangle(  );
    imagestringup(  );
    imagepng(  );
    imagedestroy(  );
function redirect( )
    header(  );
function meta_redirect( )
function send_header( )
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
function no_cracoziabs( )
function get_random_useragent( )
    fw(  );
    srand(  );
function page_from_cash( array( $Tmp_1, "./data/cash/index.php", preg_replace(  ) );
finita( );
function page_to_cash( )
    fw(  );
function task_to_clear_cash( )
function html2rgb( )
    array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
    array( $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
    array( 73, 73, 73 );
function panel_h1( )
function use_default_config( )
    extract(  );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ) );
function strrnd( )
function setpoint( $str = "a" )
function getpoint( $str = "a" )
function url_code( )
function url_decode( )
function replace_image_to_str( )
function replace_str_to_image( )
function limiter( )
function plugin_search_sronger( )
function get_com_page( )
function insert_waiting_comments( )
    ksort(  );
function insert_trackback( )
    ksort(  );
function numerator_of_comments( )
    ksort(  );
function part_of_comments( )
    ksort(  );
    krsort(  );
    ksort(  );
function get_template( )
function get_stat_morda( )
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    array( str_replace(  ), strtolower(  ) );
    incost(  );
    array( str_replace(  ), strtolower(  ) );
    array( str_replace(  ), get_day(  ) );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    fwa(  );
    array( get_day(  ), $Tmp_54, $Tmp_54, preg_replace(  ) );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    ksort(  );
    incost(  );
    incost(  );
    get_template(  );
    array( get_png_graph(  ), get_png_graph(  ), get_png_graph(  ) );
    array( array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ), array_sum(  ) );
    array( trim(  ), trim(  ), array_sum(  ) );
    array_multisort(  );
    arsort(  );
    fw(  );
function get_stat_se( )
    send_header(  );
    get_template(  );
    arsort(  );
    arsort(  );
    arsort(  );
    srand(  );
    arsort(  );
    arsort(  );
function get_mots_db( )
function incost( }
function get_png_graph( )
function tabletermo( )
    arsort(  );
    array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_11 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_3 );
    array( $val, $Tmp_3 );
function rdb_cashe( )
    flock(  );
    fwa(  );
    fw(  );
    array( 1, 0 );
    flock(  );
    fclose(  );
    fwa(  );
    fw(  );
    rename(  );
    fw(  );
function search_popingues( )
function check_license( )
    fw(  );
    meta_redirect(  );
function start_here( )
function finita( $mes = "" )
    header(  );
    header(  );
    add_adds_to_page( );
    extract(  );
    extract(  );
    extract(  );
    array( plugin_search_sronger(  ), plugin_search_sronger(  ), show_calendula( ), "", $Tmp_1, trim(  ), $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1, $Tmp_1 );
    preg_match_all(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    header(  );
    extract(  );
extract(  );
array( $Tmp_40, $Tmp_48 );
grafic(  );
get_template(  );
show_antichiter_code(  );
setpoint(  );
function stripslashes_deep( )
disclose_admin( );
get_referers( );
rsort(  );
blockade_of_chiters(  );
add_hits_to_stat(  );
get_environment( );
finita( );
finita(  );
extract(  );
array( trim(  ), $Var_13656 );
array( array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
array( array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
redirect(  );
finita( );
page_from_cash(  );
rsort(  );
get_template(  );
show_anonce(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
fw(  );
page_to_cash(  );
finita( );
page_to_cash(  );
finita( );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
session_name(  );
session_start( );
array( 2, $null, array_keys(  ), array_values(  ), array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
array( array_keys(  ), array_values(  ) );
preg_match(  );
preg_match(  );
meta_redirect(  );
mail(  );
finita( );
get_template(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
array( trim(  ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_1722, $Tmp_1723, $Tmp_1724, $Tmp_1725 );
get_template(  );
fw(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
finita( );
array( $Tmp_1961, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/index.php", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/", "./data/track_backs/newposts" );
array( rdb(  ), rdb(  ), disk2arr(  ), disk2arr(  ), disk2arr(  ) );
pr(  );
array( $Var_49368, $Var_49440, trim(  ) );
array( $Var_50664, $Var_50712, $Var_50808 );
fw(  );
array( $Tmp_2191, $Tmp_2198 );
array( $Tmp_2296, $Tmp_2311, $Tmp_2314, "Resume: ", "TrackBack added to IgnorList." );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
fw(  );
fwa(  );
sort(  );
fw(  );
finita(  );
remove_trackback_from_post(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
array( $Tmp_2546, "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", array( trim(  ), trim(  ), preg_replace(  ), preg_replace(  ) ) );
fw(  );
fwa(  );
redirect(  );
array( "./data/track_backs/newposts", "./data/track_backs/scan.php", "./data/track_backs/ignor.php", "./data/track_backs/" );
fw(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
send_header(  );
finita(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
array( get_date(  ), "", "" );
finita( );
get_template(  );
finita(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
redirect(  );
header(  );
send_header(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
redirect(  );
send_header(  );
header(  );
send_header(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
sort(  );
(  );
( );
finita( );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3052, "./data/comments/newposts" );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
setcookie(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
fwa(  );
finita(  );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", "./data/comments/newposts", "./data/comments/" );
fwa(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
rsort(  );
finita( );
insert_waiting_comments(  );
insert_trackback(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
show_comment(  );
show_comment_form(  );
finita( );
sort(  );
array( get_day(  ), get_day(  ) );
finita(  );
finita( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
insert_waiting_comments(  );
insert_trackback(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
show_comment(  );
show_comment_form(  );
finita( );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
array( trim(  ), "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_3842, $Tmp_3843, $Tmp_3844, $Tmp_3845 );
get_template(  );
fw(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
fw(  );
build_index(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4000, $Tmp_4001 );
unlink(  );
unlink(  );
build_index(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
remove_comment_from_post(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
finita(  );
remove_comment_from_post(  );
fwa(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
array( "./data/posts/index.php", $Tmp_4322, array( trim(  ), trim(  ), preg_replace(  ) ) );
remove_comment_from_post(  );
task_to_clear_cash(  );
fwa(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
array( $Var_105600, $Var_105672 );
finita(  );
finita(  );
fw(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
( );
fw(  );
sort(  );
finita( );
array( $Var_108696, $Var_108768, "", $Tmp_4535, $Tmp_4538, $Tmp_4540, $Tmp_4544 );
finita(  );
fw(  );
redirect(  );
unlink(  );
redirect(  );
get_template(  );
redirect(  );
finita(  );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
finita( );
finita( );
finita(  );
finita(  );
page_from_cash(  );
get_template(  );
get_template(  );
rsort(  );
array( "", extract(  ), $Tmp_4700, $Tmp_4705, $Tmp_4713 );
preg_match_all(  );
arsort(  );
page_to_cash(  );
get_template(  );
build_index(  );
fwa(  );
fwa(  );
extract(  );
rsort(  );
finita(  );
krsort(  );
array_multisort(  );
send_header(  );
page_from_cash(  );
get_template(  );
array( $out, $null );
ksort(  );
arsort(  );
page_to_cash(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
show_anonce(  );
numerator_of_comments( );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
array_unshift(  );
show_comment(  );
show_comment_form(  );
send_header(  );
redirect(  );
page_from_cash(  );
rsort(  );
finita(  );
page_to_cash(  );
finita( );

Ты скрипт выкладывай. Сам файл подправить может и не получится, а генератор лицензий написать можно будет. По крайней мере на Портатор и старый блог я делал.
В новой версии он с сервером автора соединяется. Стучалку в любом случае нужно отключать.