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Помощь Проблема с картинками

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


8 Фев 2009
Проблема с отображением картинок с модуля репутация 6.5
их расперло та что ужас пример здесь Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
основной файл стиля
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/* ==================== Поле формы авторизации */

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/* ==================== */

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файл комментариев
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				<td>{group-name} | {date} | Регистрация: {registration}</td><td width="30%">&nbsp;</td>
			<hr />
			{comment}<span align="right">[fast]<img src="{THEME}/dleimages/quote.png" title="Цитировать" alt="Цитировать" align="right">[/fast]</span>
			<br />[signature]{signature}[/signature]
			<div align='right'>
			<span>[com-edit]<img class="si_edit" src="{THEME}/images/spacer.gif" title = "Редактировать комментарий" border="0">[/com-edit]</span>
			<span>[com-del]<img class="si_delete" src="{THEME}/images/spacer.gif" title = "Удалить комментарий" border="0">[/com-del]</span>
			</div><div class="clr"></div>
		<td class="cblock-right"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_right_mtop.gif" width="12" height="62" alt="" /></td>
                  <td width="28"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_left_bottom.gif" width="28" height="12" alt="" /></td>
                  <td class="cblock-bottom"><img src="{THEME}/images/spacer.png" width="1" height="12" alt="" /></td>
                  <td width="12"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_right_bottom.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="" /></td>
Помогите исправить эту маленькую но злую багу
какой ПХП-файл использует этот файл шаба? ...в нем ищешь массив со значением "repa" => (сюда передаются твои картинки, для них указываешь class="repa-wh10")

и еще первую строчку в шабе удали - это косяк.
На мои маленькие знания это файл repa.php
 Модуль основан Бирюковым Романом aka Inrus (www.dletweak.ru)
 Дальнейшая поддержка и разработка - ShapeShifter (Smart-Planet.ru)
 Данный код защищен авторскими правами
 Файл: repa.php
 Назначение: модуль репутации пользователей
  die("Hacking attempt!");

include_once ENGINE_DIR.'/classes/parse.class.php';
include_once ENGINE_DIR.'/modules/bbcode.php';
include_once ENGINE_DIR.'/data/repa.php';

if (isset ( $config["lang_" . $config['skin']] ) and $config["lang_" . $config['skin']] != '')
	include_once ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config["lang_" . $config['skin']] . '/website_repa.lng';
	include_once ROOT_DIR . '/language/' . $config['langs'] . '/website_repa.lng';

	msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang_repa['gen_status_off']);


$parse = new ParseFilter();
$parse->safe_mode = true;

if (($_REQUEST['doaction'] == "plus" OR $_REQUEST['doaction'] == "minus") AND $is_logged)
	$username = $db->safesql( htmlspecialchars( urldecode( $_REQUEST['username'] ) ) );
	$row2 = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users where name = '$username'");

	if ($row2['user_id'])
		$user_found = TRUE;
	if ($row2['user_id'] != $member_id['user_id'])
		$user_you = TRUE;
	$time = time()+($config['date_adjust']*60);
	$time_limit = $repa_cf['repa_stop_change'];
	$repa_change = "yes";
	$repa_change_up = "no";
	$repa_log = $db->super_query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_repa_log where autor_id = '$member_id[user_id]' AND komu_id = '$row2[user_id]'");

	if ($repa_log['date_change'] != "" AND $repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] != 1)
		if (($repa_log['date_change']+($time_limit*86400)) <= $time)
			$repa_change = "yes";
			$repa_change_up = "yes";
		elseif (($repa_log['date_change']+($time_limit*86400)) > $time)
			$repa_change = "no";

	$nowis = time()+($config['date_adjust']*60);
    	$r_date = $member_id['reg_date'];
    	$period = $nowis - $r_date;
	$repa_user = $repa_log['repa_user'];
    	if($period < $repa_cf['bl_period']*43200) 
		$user_reg = "no";
	if ($user_reg == "no")
		msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang_repa['repa_bl_msg'].' '.$repa_cf['bl_period'].' '.$lang_repa['repa_days']);
	elseif ($member_id['r_freeze'])
		msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang_repa['repa_user_stop']);
	elseif ($row2['repa_off'] == 1)
		msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang_repa['repa_off']." <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Вернуться назад.</a>");
		if ($user_you)
			if ($user_found)
				if (!$_REQUEST['change_yes'] AND !$_REQUEST['change_no'])
					if($repa_change == "yes")
						if ($_REQUEST['doaction'] == "minus")
							$url_from = $config['http_home_url']."?do=reputation&doaction=minus&username=".urlencode($username);
							$url_from2 = $config['http_home_url']."smart/?do=reputation&doaction=minus&username=".urlencode($username);
							$tpl->set('{repa_info}', "Вы нажали на кнопку <b><font color=red>понижения</font> репутации</b> пользователю".$row2['user_name']);
						elseif ($_REQUEST['doaction'] == "plus")
							$url_from = $config['http_home_url']."?do=reputation&doaction=plus&username=".urlencode($username);
							$url_from2 = $config['http_home_url']."smart/?do=reputation&doaction=plus&username=".urlencode($username);
							$tpl->set('{repa_info}', "Вы нажали на кнопку <b><font color=green>повышения</font> репутации</b> пользователю".$row2['user_name']);
						if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == $url_from OR $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == $url_from2 OR !$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])
							$url_ref = $config['http_home_url'];
							$url_ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
						$tpl->set('{usertitle}', $username);
						if ($config['version_id'] >= 8.3)
							$bb_code = preg_replace('|<textarea(.*)</textarea>|is', "", $bb_code);
						if ($repa_cf['allow_comm'] == "yes")
						if ($repa_cf['repa_rules'] == "1")
							$rules = $repa_cf['repa_rules_tpl_tsu'];
							$rules = "";
						$tpl->set('{repa_rules}', $rules);
						$last_change = $repa_log['date_change'];
						$time_now = langdate( $config['timestamp_active'], $time );
						if( date( Ymd, $last_change ) == date( Ymd, $_TIME ) )
							$last_change = $lang['time_heute'] . langdate( ", H:i", $last_change );
						} elseif( date( Ymd, $last_change ) == date( Ymd, ($_TIME - 86400) ) )
							$last_change = $lang['time_gestern'] . langdate( ", H:i", $last_change );
						} else 
							$last_change = langdate( $config['timestamp_active'], $last_change );
						msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], "Вы не можете изменять репутацию данному пользователю, т.к. с последнего изменения не прошло ".$time_limit." дня.<br>Последнее изменение было: ".$last_change." (сейчас: ".$time_now.")");
				if (isset($_REQUEST['change_yes']) AND $repa_change == "yes")
					$stop = array ();
					$author = $db->safesql($member_id['name']);
  					$get_date = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
  					$date = $get_date;
					$from_page = $db->safesql($_POST['from_page']);

					if ($repa_cf['allow_comm'] == "yes")
						if( $config['allow_comments_wysiwyg'] != "yes" ) 
							$comments = $db->safesql( $parse->BB_Parse( $parse->process( $_POST['comments'] ), false ));
							$parse->wysiwyg = true;
							$parse->ParseFilter( Array ('div', 'span', 'p', 'br', 'strong', 'em', 'ul', 'li', 'ol' ), Array (), 0, 1 );
							if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_url'] )
								$parse->tagsArray[] = 'a';
							if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_image'] )
								$parse->tagsArray[] = 'img';
							$comments = $_POST['comments'];
							$comments = $db->safesql( $parse->BB_Parse( $parse->process( $comments ) ) );
						if( strlen( $_POST['comments'] ) > $repa_cf['comm_size'] ) 
							$stop[] = $lang_repa['repa_too_long'];
							$CN_HALT = TRUE;
						if( $_POST['comments'] == '' ) 
							$stop[] = $lang_repa['repa_no_com'];
							$CN_HALT = TRUE;
						if( strlen( $_POST['comments'] ) < $repa_cf['comm_size_min'] AND $comments != '') 
							$stop[] = $lang_repa['repa_min_com']." Минимум ".$repa_cf['comm_size_min']." символов.";
							$CN_HALT = TRUE;
						if( intval( $repa_cf['auto_wrap'] ) )
							$comments = preg_split( '((>)|(<))', $comments, - 1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
							$n = count( $comments );
							for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i ++)
								if( $comments[$i] == "<" )
									$i ++;
								$comments[$i] = preg_replace( "#([^\s\n\r]{" . intval( $repa_cf['auto_wrap'] ) . "})#i", "\\1<br />", $comments[$i] );
							$comments = join( "", $comments );
						$comments = "";
					if( $member_id['repa'] < $repa_cf['repa_stop_change_min'] AND $repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] != 1) 
						$stop[] = $lang_repa['repa_stop_otr'];
						$CN_HALT = TRUE;
					if( $CN_HALT ) 
						msgbox( $lang['all_err_1'], implode( "<br />", $stop ) . "<br><a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">" . $lang['all_prev'] . "</a>" );
						if ($_REQUEST['doaction'] == "minus")
							$how = $row2['repa'] - 1;
							$v = "-1";
							$repa_mod_mas = explode ("|", $row2['repa_mod']);
							$repa_mod_mas[1] = $repa_mod_mas[1] + 1;
							$repa_mod = $repa_mod_mas[0]."|".$repa_mod_mas[1];
							$what = "понизил";
							$how = $row2['repa'] + 1;
							$v = "1";
							$repa_mod_mas = explode ("|", $row2['repa_mod']);
							$repa_mod_mas[0] = $repa_mod_mas[0] + 1;
							$repa_mod = $repa_mod_mas[0]."|".$repa_mod_mas[1];
							$what = "повысил";

						if ($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] != 1)
							if ($repa_change_up == "yes")
								$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_repa_log SET date_change ='$time' WHERE `autor_id` = '$member_id[user_id]' AND `komu_id` = '$row2[user_id]'");
								$db->query("INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_repa_log (autor_id, komu_id, date_change) values ('$member_id[user_id]', '$row2[user_id]', '$time')");

						$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET repa ='$how', repa_mod='$repa_mod' WHERE `name` = '$username'");
						$db->query("INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_repa_comm (how, date, author, komu, text, edit_repa, hide, url_page) VALUES ('$v', '$date', '$author', '$username', '$comments', 0, 0, '$from_page')");

						if ($repa_cf['repa_ban'] AND $row2['banned'] != "yes" AND $repa_cf['group_'.$row2[user_group]] != 1)
							if (($row2['repa'] + $v) <= $repa_cf['repa_ban_num'] OR $row2['repa'] == $repa_cf['repa_ban_num'])	
								$this_time = $repa_cf['repa_ban_days'] ? $_TIME + ($repa_cf['repa_ban_days'] * 60 * 60 * 24) : 0;
								$db->query( "UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET banned='yes' WHERE user_id = '{$row2[user_id]}'" );
								$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_banned (users_id, descr, date, days, ip) values ('$row2[user_id]', '$repa_cf[repa_ban_desc]', '$this_time', '$repa_cf[repa_ban_days]', '')" );
								@unlink( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/banned.php' );

        					if($repa_cf['msgs_status'] == 'yes')
							if($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
  								$whois = "<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."user/$member_id[name]\">$member_id[name]</a>";
								$whois = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&amp;user=".urlencode($member_id[name])."\">$member_id[name]</a>";
							$izvestie = $repa_cf['msgs_template'];
							$izvestie = str_replace('{%kto%}', $whois, $izvestie);
							$izvestie = str_replace('{%what%}', $what, $izvestie);
							$izvestie = str_replace('{%text%}', $comments, $izvestie);
							$db->query("INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_pm (subj, text, user, user_from, date, pm_read, folder) values ('$lang_repa[repa_msg_changed]', '$izvestie', '$row2[user_id]', '$member_id[name]', '$time', 'no', 'inbox')");
							$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users set pm_all=pm_all+1, pm_unread=pm_unread+1  where user_id='$row2[user_id]'");
						header( "Location: {$from_page}" );
				if ($_REQUEST['change_no'])
					$from_page = $_POST['from_page'];
					header( "Location: {$from_page}" );
				msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang['news_err_26']);
			msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang_repa['repa_user_self']." <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Вернуться назад.</a>");
elseif (($_REQUEST['doaction'] == plus OR $_REQUEST['doaction'] == minus) AND !$is_logged)
	msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], "Вы не можете изменять репутацию не авторизовавшись на сайте.<br>Авторизуйтесь или <a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."/index.php?do=register\">зарегистрируйтесь</a>.<br><a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Вернуться назад.</a>");

	$sql_result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users where name = '$user'");
	while($row = $db->get_row($sql_result))
		$user_found = TRUE;
		$repa_off = $row['repa_off'];

	if ($repa_off == 0 OR $repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1)

// START Вывод истории изменений

	$pass = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM `" . USERPREFIX . "_repa_comm` where `komu` = '$user'");

	if($pass['count'] == 0)
		if ($user_found == TRUE)
			$tpl->set('{history_content}', $lang_repa['repa_nothing']);
		$all_count_results = $pass['count'];
		$N = $repa_cf['res_site'];
		if ( isset($_GET['page']) )
			$page = (int)$_GET['page'];
    			if ( $page < 1 ) $page = 1;
			$page = 1;
		$cnt_pages = ceil( $pass['count'] / $N );
		if ( $page > $cnt_pages ) $page = $cnt_pages;
		$start = ( $page - 1 ) * $N;//2
		$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . USERPREFIX . "_repa_comm` WHERE `komu`='$user' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT $start, $N");
		$userlink = urlencode("$user");
		if ( $cnt_pages > 1 )
			if($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
			 	if ( $page > 3 )
				        $startpage = '<a title="'.$lang_repa['repa_first_p'].'" href="'.$config['http_home_url'].'user/reputation/'.$userlink.'/page/1"><<</a> ... ';
				        $startpage = '';
				if ( $page < ($cnt_pages - 2) )
				        $endpage = ' ... <a title="'.$lang_repa['repa_last_pa'].'" href="'.$config['http_home_url'].'user/reputation/'.$userlink.'/page/'.$cnt_pages.'">>></a>';
				        $endpage = '';
				if ( $page - 2 > 0 )
				        $page2left = ' <a href="'.$config['http_home_url'].'user/reputation/'.$userlink.'/page/'.($page - 2).'">'.($page - 2).'</a>';
					$page2left = '';
				if ( $page - 1 > 0 )
				        $page1left = ' <a href="'.$config['http_home_url'].'user/reputation/'.$userlink.'/page/'.($page - 1).'">'.($page - 1).'</a> ';
					$page1left = '';
				if ( $page + 2 <= $cnt_pages )
				        $page2right = ' <a href="'.$config['http_home_url'].'user/reputation/'.$userlink.'/page/'.($page + 2).'">'.($page + 2).'</a> ';
					$page2right = '';
				if ( $page + 1 <= $cnt_pages )
				        $page1right = ' <a href="'.$config['http_home_url'].'user/reputation/'.$userlink.'/page/'.($page + 1).'">'.($page + 1).'</a> ';
					$page1right = '';

				$paginator = $startpage.$page2left.$page1left.'<strong>'.$page.'</strong>'.$page1right.$page2right.$endpage;
    				if ( $page > 3 )
        				$startpage = '<a title="'.$lang_repa['repa_first_p'].'" href="/index.php?do=reputation&user='.$userlink.'&page=1"><<</a> ... ';
        				$startpage = '';
    				if ( $page < ($cnt_pages - 2) )
        				$endpage = ' ... <a title="'.$lang_repa['repa_last_pa'].'" href="/admin.php?do=reputation&user='.$userlink.'&page='.$cnt_pages.'">>></a>';
        				$endpage = '';
    				if ( $page - 2 > 0 )
        				$page2left = ' <a href="/index.php?do=reputation&user='.$userlink.'&page='.($page - 2).'">'.($page - 2).'</a>';
					$page2left = '';
				if ( $page - 1 > 0 )
        				$page1left = ' <a href="/index.php?do=reputation&user='.$userlink.'&page='.($page - 1).'">'.($page - 1).'</a> ';
					$page1left = '';
    				if ( $page + 2 <= $cnt_pages )
				        $page2right = ' <a href="/index.php?do=reputation&user='.$userlink.'&page='.($page + 2).'">'.($page + 2).'</a> ';
					$page2right = '';
				if ( $page + 1 <= $cnt_pages )
				        $page1right = ' <a href="/index.php?do=reputation&user='.$userlink.'&page='.($page + 1).'">'.($page + 1).'</a> ';
					$page1right = '';

				$paginator = $startpage.$page2left.$page1left.'<strong>'.$page.'</strong>'.$page1right.$page2right.$endpage;
		while($row = $db->get_row())


			if ($repa_cf['robot'] == $row['author'])
				$auth_link = $row['author'];
		   		if($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
	  				$auth_link = "<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."user/".urlencode($row['author'])."/\">".$row['author']."</a>";
					$auth_link = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&amp;user=".urlencode($row['author'])."\">".$row['author']."</a>";
			if (($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1 OR $user == $member_id['name']) AND $member_id['user_group'] != 5)
				$tpl->set("{repa_mod}", "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"n-repa[]\" value=\"".$row['id']."\" >");
				$rep_i ++;

			     	case($row['how'] > 0):
	     				$how = '<img src="{THEME}/images/repa_up.gif" alt="'.$lang_repa['repa_up'].'">';
	     			case($row['how'] < 0):
			     		$how = '<img src="{THEME}/images/repa_dn.gif" alt="'.$lang_repa['repa_down'].'">';
			     	case($row['how'] == "totalminus"):
	     				$how = '<img src="{THEME}/images/repa_adm.png" alt="'.$lang_repa['repa_adm'].'" title="Понижение на '.$repa_cf[adm_minus].' пунктов">';
			     	case($row['how'] == "totalplus"):
	     				$how = '<img src="{THEME}/images/repa_adm_p.png" alt="'.$lang_repa['repa_adm'].'" title="Повышение на '.$repa_cf[adm_plus].' пунктов">';
			$row['date'] = strtotime($row['date']);

			if (date(Ymd, $row['date']) == 	date(Ymd, $_TIME))
				$tpl->set('{date}',  $lang['time_heute'].langdate(" в H:i", $row['date']));
			elseif (date(Ymd, $row['date']) == date(Ymd, ($_TIME - 86400)))
				$tpl->set('{date}',  $lang['time_gestern'].langdate(" в H:i", $row['date']));
				$tpl->set('{date}',  langdate($config['timestamp_active'], $row['date']));

			if ($row['edit_repa'] == 1)
				$edit_repa = "[изменено]";
				$edit_repa = "";

			if ($row['hide'] == 1 AND ($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] != 1 AND ($user != $member_id['name'] AND $row['author'] != $member_id['name'])))
				$row['text'] = "<i>Комментарий скрыт.</i>";
			elseif ($row['hide'] == 1 AND ($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1 OR $user == $member_id['name'] OR $row['author'] == $member_id['name']))
				$row['text'] = "<i>Комментарий скрыт.</i><br>".$row['text'];
				$row['text'] = $row['text'];

			if ($repa_cf['comm_page'] == 1 AND $row['url_page'])
				$row['text'] .= "<br>Изменено на этой <a href=\"".$row['url_page']."\">странице</a>.";

			$parts = array(
		 		'{author}'			=> $auth_link,
		 		'{how}'				=> $how,
		 		'{comment}'			=> $row['text'].$edit_repa,
        		$tpl->set('', $parts);

		if (($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1 OR $user == $member_id['name']) AND $member_id['user_group'] != 5)

			if ($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1)
				$options_repa = "<option value=\"0\">Выбирите действие</option><option value=\"1\">Скрыть комментарии</option><option value=\"2\">Опубликовать комментарии</option><option value=\"3\">===============</option><option value=\"4\" style=\"color:red;\">Удалить</option>";
				$options_repa = "<option value=\"0\">Выбирите действие</option><option value=\"1\">Скрыть комментарии</option><option value=\"2\">Опубликовать комментарии</option>";

			$tpl->set("{options_repa}", $options_repa);

		$tpl->set('{history_line}', $tpl->result['line']);
		$tpl->set('{pages}', $paginator);
		$tpl->set('{history_content}', $tpl->result['table']);
		if($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
  			$tpl->set('{usertitle}',"<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."user/".urlencode($user)."/\">".$user."</a>");
			$tpl->set('{usertitle}',"<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&amp;user=".urlencode($user)."\">".$user."</a>");

		msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], "Пользователь отключил репутацию в своих настройках. Вы не можете просмотреть историю его репутации. <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Вернуться назад.</a>");
// END Вывод истории изменений

	if ($_REQUEST['save_act'] AND intval($_REQUEST['variant']) == 4)
		$element = $_REQUEST['n-repa'];
		$name_user = $db->safesql( $parse->process( $_POST['name_user'] ) );
		if (($name_user != $member_id['name'] AND $member_id['user_group'] != 1) OR $member_id['user_group'] == 1)
			if ($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1 AND $member_id['user_group'] != 5)
				$user_id_repa = $db->super_query("SELECT user_id, repa, repa_mod, name FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE name='{$name_user}'");	
				if ($element)
					foreach ($element as $element_to)
						$element_to = intval($element_to);
						$how_change = $db->super_query("SELECT how, author, text FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_repa_comm WHERE id='{$element_to}'");

						$repa_mod_mas = explode ("|", $user_id_repa['repa_mod']);
						$user_repa = $user_id_repa['repa'];
						if ($how_change['how'] < 0)
							$user_repa = $user_id_repa['repa'] + $how_change['how'];
							$repa_mod_mas[1] = $repa_mod_mas[1] - $how_change['how'];
						elseif ($how_change['how'] > 0)
							$user_repa = $user_id_repa['repa'] + $how_change['how'];
							$repa_mod_mas[0] = $repa_mod_mas[0] + $how_change['how'];
						elseif ($how_change['how'] == "totalminus")
							$user_repa = $user_id_repa['repa'] - $repa_cf['adm_minus'];
							$repa_mod_mas[1] = $repa_mod_mas[1] - $repa_cf['adm_minus'];
						elseif ($how_change['how'] == "totalplus")
							$user_repa = $user_id_repa['repa'] - $repa_cf['adm_plus'];
							$repa_mod_mas[0] = $repa_mod_mas[0] - $repa_cf['adm_plus'];
						$user_repa_mod = $repa_mod_mas[0]."|".$repa_mod_mas[1];

						$how_text = $db->safesql( $how_change['text'] );
						$how_autor = $db->safesql( $how_change['author'] );

						$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET repa = '$user_repa', repa_mod = '$user_repa_mod' WHERE name = '{$name_user}'");

						$db->query("DELETE FROM `" . PREFIX . "_repa_comm` WHERE id='{$element_to}'");

						if ($repa_cf['msgs_del_status'] == "yes")
							if($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes")
  								$whois = "<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."user/$member_id[name]\">$member_id[name]</a>";
								$whois = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&amp;user=".urlencode($member_id[name])."\">$member_id[name]</a>";

							$izvestie = $repa_cf['msgs_del_template'];
							$izvestie = str_replace('{%kto%}', $whois, $izvestie);
							$izvestie = str_replace('{%ot_kogo%}', $how_autor, $izvestie);
							$izvestie = str_replace('{%text%}', $how_text, $izvestie);
							$time = time()+($config['date_adjust']*60);
							$db->query("INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_pm (subj, text, user, user_from, date, pm_read, folder) values ('$lang_repa[repa_msg_changed]', '$izvestie', '$user_id_repa[user_id]', '$member_id[name]', '$time', 'no', 'inbox')");
							$db->query("UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users set pm_all=pm_all+1, pm_unread=pm_unread+1  where user_id='$user_id_repa[user_id]'");

						$user_id_repa2 = $db->super_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE name='$how_change[author]'");
						$db->query("DELETE FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_repa_log WHERE `autor_id` = '$user_id_repa2[user_id]' AND `komu_id` = '$user_id_repa[user_id]'");

						$date = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s");
						$db->query("INSERT INTO `" . PREFIX . "_repa_del_logs` SET `date` = '{$date}', `username` = '{$user_id_repa[name]}', `autor` = '{$how_autor}', `moder` = '{$member_id[name]}', `repa_id` = '{$element_to}', `description` = '{$how_text}'");
			header( "Location: {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );
			msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang_repa['repa_edit_error']);
	elseif ($_REQUEST['save_act'] AND intval($_REQUEST['variant']) == 1)
		$element = $_REQUEST['n-repa'];
		$name_user = $db->safesql( $parse->process( $_POST['name_user'] ) );

		if (($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1 OR $name_user == $member_id['name']) AND $member_id['user_group'] != 5)
			$user_id_repa = $db->super_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE name='{$name_user}'");	
			if ($element)
				foreach ($element as $element_to)
						$element_to = intval($element_to);
					$db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_repa_comm SET hide = '1' WHERE id = '{$element_to}'");
		header( "Location: {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );
	elseif ($_REQUEST['save_act'] AND intval($_REQUEST['variant']) == 2)
		$element = $_REQUEST['n-repa'];
		$name_user = $db->safesql( $parse->process( $_POST['name_user'] ) );

		if (($repa_cf['group_'.$member_id[user_group]] == 1 OR $name_user == $member_id['name']) AND $member_id['user_group'] != 5)
			$user_id_repa = $db->super_query("SELECT user_id FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE name='{$name_user}'");	
			if ($element)
				foreach ($element as $element_to)
					$element_to = intval($element_to);
					$db->query("UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_repa_comm SET hide = '0' WHERE id = '{$element_to}'");
		header( "Location: {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );

	if ($user_found == FALSE) { msgbox ($lang['all_err_1'], $lang['news_err_26']); }

Хотя на всякий случай вот сам модуль
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
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.repapa img
красным выделил то где ставишь размеры + и -
ну а в самом шабе делаешь так
<fieldset><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="background:#fff;"><tr valign="top">
<td width="95"><div class="avatar"><img src="{foto}" alt=""/>
                        <div>Комментариев: {comm-num}</div>
                        <div>Публикаций: {news-num}</div>
                        <div>ICQ: {icq}</div>
                        <div class="repapa">Репутация: {repa}</div>
                        <div>Имя: {fullname}</div>
<table class="comblock" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                  <td width="28"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_left_top.gif" width="28" height="12" alt="" /></td>
                  <td class="cblock-top"><img src="{THEME}/images/spacer.png" width="1" height="12" alt="" /></td>
                  <td width="12"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_right_top.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="" /></td>
                <tr valign="top">
        <td class="cblock-left"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_left_mtop.gif" width="28" height="91" alt="" /></td>
            <td class="cblock-content">
            #{comment-id} {author}<span class="newstitle">{news_title}</span>
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr>
                <td>{group-name} | {date} | Регистрация: {registration}</td><td width="30%">&nbsp;</td>
            <hr />
            {comment}<span align="right">[fast]<img src="{THEME}/dleimages/quote.png" title="Цитировать" alt="Цитировать" align="right">[/fast]</span>
            <br />[signature]{signature}[/signature]
            <div align='right'>
            <span>[com-edit]<img class="si_edit" src="{THEME}/images/spacer.gif" title = "Редактировать комментарий" border="0">[/com-edit]</span>
            <span>[com-del]<img class="si_delete" src="{THEME}/images/spacer.gif" title = "Удалить комментарий" border="0">[/com-del]</span>
            </div><div class="clr"></div>
        <td class="cblock-right"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_right_mtop.gif" width="12" height="62" alt="" /></td>
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                  <td width="12"><img src="{THEME}/images/comment/cblock_right_bottom.gif" width="12" height="12" alt="" /></td>
Да это помогло :) только теперь картинки стали совсем маленькие.
Подскажи что изменил
я же красным цветом выделил(надо быть немного внимательней)!!! посмотри в самом конце стиля который я опубликовал.
Не заметил :) увеличил картинки до 10px и нормально работает
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.