Помогите найти JW Player Module Advanced

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5 Дек 2008
Один из лучших видео модулей. никак немогу найти в интернете. Может у вас есть или знайте где дасть. Буду премного длогадарен вам
what is version Module Advanced ? Thanks :)

The JW Media Player for joomla 1.5 module allow you plays media files in the. Flv and. Mp3 format on a flash-based player. There are 2 modes available, single media file or playlist. In the single media mode is only a video ready to play. In Playlist mode, you can have an XML file (playlist.xml) a list is drawn up, what videos are offered. The visitor then has the player on a free choice.

New Features include:
- Streaming media support
- Volume control
- Video smoothing
- Video stretch to fit
- Custom logo support
- Button hover colour & active item colour
- Bufferlength

Update to version 4.5.230 of player

JW Player Module Advanced

1.4.0 (last update on Oct 2, 2009)
А возможно ли добавлять свое видео в него ?
is this advanced or simple version

Добавлено через 2 минуты
and what version is it ?
как я понял, то можна. Но как эта сделать незнаю.
Вот описание:
Admin Parameters Tab :
* External RSS Link (ASX, ATOM, RSS - iTunes, RSS - Media, SMIL, XSPF, Youtube)
* Support Video/Audio Files (FLV, MP3/MPEG, H.264/MP4, JPG, PNG and GIF)
* Playlist Editor, 5 item fors the Playlist Editor, including Author, Tags, Streamer, description, link, Captions, Start-Item for content ID, duration settings for each one.
* Auto Generate Playlist, Scan files in a directory and generate a playlist.
* Module Class Suffix
* Automatic Module Setting Suffix (Multiple Player with different Playlist on same page)
* Global : Template mootools/Jquery compatible
* Global : Display or Not Link to Adoble Flash Installer
* Skin : 28 Skin, automaticly sort skin upload.
* Layout : Playlist, Control Bar Position.
* Layout : Size, Height, Width Of the Player Configurable.
* Layout : Transparence, Logo, Dock.
* Color : Background, Frontcolor, Lighcolor, Screencolor Configurable.
* Behaviour(s) : Auto Start, Buffer Length, Repeat, Shuffle, Volume, Icons, Smoothing, Stretching, Resizing, Display Title, Display Click, Link Target.
* Plugin : AdTailSolution and AdTailSolution Premium Ads (allows you to run pre-roll, overlay mid-roll, and post-roll advertisements in your media player).(The Premium ads is ad tags from partners like Google and ScanScout.).
* Plugin : Viral 2 (A video distribution plugin, supports four main functions: embed, link, Infos, and recommendations.
* Plugin : RateIt (This plugin from RateItAll allows people to rate your videos within the body of the player.).
* Plugin : TipJar (This Plugin allows you to receive donations on your Paypal account.).
* Plugin : Google Analytics Pro (The Google Analytics plugin for the JW Player is designed to help you understand how well your video content is performing online.).
* Plugin : HD, This plugin implements an HD quality toggle in the controlbar. An icon is shown to do the toggle, and the value is saved as a cookie.
* Plugin : Sharing, This plugin adds sharing functionalities to the player.
* Plugin : Captions, This plugin displays closed captions on top of the video.
* Plugin : Revolt This plugin displays some cool visualizations for audio file playback.
* Plugin : Multiple plugin on same player (viral, rateit, tipjar, adsolution, Google Analytics Pro, Captions).
* Cache Parameters
Кто то разобрался как это делать ?
Я искал в инете и нашел что то говорилось , что нужно сделать XML список и плеер якоы ипортирует плейл лист из того списка но как это сделать я так и не понял !!!
Мне тоже эта актуально, но поскольку я не понимаю английский и не программист, то ответа ненашол. Если ко решил этот вопрос пажалста поделитесь:
как вставит одиночний или список аудио или видео файлов?
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