vJoomla - ещё одна интеграция vB и Joomla

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генератор случайного PHP
14 Сен 2006
vJoomla 0.0.3 - ещё одна интеграция vB и Joomla

Announcing vJoomla v 0.0.3 .
vJoomla is a bridge to Joomla 1.0.12. It allows you to add the powerful functionality of Joomla to vbulletin without any hacks to the vbulletin code. All the hacks occur in the Joomla code. The attached package is to be installed after Joomla installation is complete.

Now first a warning. This module is beta. Believed to be stable, but still a beta. Do not use in a production environment.

This bridge provides a single login / single session interface with Joomla. That means if you log into vbulletin you will be logged into Joomla. How exactly this is accomplished will be discussed in the first post for the more technically inclined users.

Once you have Joomla in place you open the door to a world of over 1300 modules and components. Anyone of a number of functions can be added cleanly and quietly to your vbulletin site.

This product, like Joomla itself, is open source and released under the GPL. It contains no Jelsoft code although it does implement vbulletin classes.

Installation Instructions
As this is an early beta installation will NOT be easy. While I do appreciate feedback on the installation process, until the installer is written and the mod rewrite module is completed this install won't go easy.

Follow these instructions carefully and check back here if you get stuck.
  1. Move your forums to /forum. Your website should then be Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся and your forum Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
  2. Download and post the files of Joomla version 1.0.12 to the directory above your forum. Joomla can be downloaded at Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся DO NOT DOWNLOAD 1.5 BETA -- IT WILL NOT WORK
  3. Install joomla by going to Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся Place the joomla tables in the SAME DATABASE as your forum.
  4. After installation upload the attached files here to the root of your site.
  5. Move the contents of the joomla images directory to the vbulletin images directory, then erase the joomla images directory.
  6. Either create a symbolic link for images, clientscript and cpstyles in the site root, or copy the contents of those folders to the site root.
  7. If you chose the symlink route you may need to use an .htaccess file to get Apache to follow them. The Joomla package has such an .htaccess file saved as htaccess.txt. Uncomment the line in that file for symlinks and save it as ".htaccess".
  8. From the vbulletin admincp file install the Joomla XML file. This will install Joomla's templates.
That completes the install. Check install in this forum because I plan to be adding to this at least every two to three days until this build is completed.

Warning: Joomla complains about register globals emulation being on (this is the default setting). It is cited as a security risk. You MUST leave this setting on for this hack to work - however the "security risk" is non-existent as vbulletin will clean out the globals array during it's initialization.

This is Beta 0.0.1. We are working towards Version 1 of course.

Currently Working Features
  • Unified Login, single userlist. Note you can NOT merge in an existing Joomla userbase with this bridge at this time.
  • vBulletin Template Engine: vJoomla replaces the standard Joomla template system with the vbulletin Template Engine.
  • Joomla is working without apparent glitches induced by this merger.
Planned Additions Before Mod is classified as "Released"
  • Recent Threads Module
  • Hot Threads Module
  • Unified Who's Online
  • vbulletin admin controlled mapping of vbulletin usergroups to joomla groups
  • Custom Mod Rewrite to remove necessity of editting navbar and other internal templates due to site move.
  • Installer / Upgrader Program.
Классная интеграция, bbpixel просто отдыхает, юзал ещё 0.02 beta, помимо общей авторизации\регистрации натянули шаблоны от VB на Joomly. Как только выйдет финал (а финальная весрия должна выйти в конце мая), все забудут что такое интеграция от bbpixel.
Да Joomly до этого туговато было интегрировать. Да и с авторизацией не всега прокатывало по нормальному.
Ловите еще бетку. В течение недели ожидается еще одна версия.

beta 0.1: Content sections reskinned to match vbulletin default classes. Error handler placed to aid in debugging. Couple of major bugs quashed. vbulletin plugin for displaying modules added.
beta 0.0.4: Completed the rewrite of content.html.php - this is the file responsible for the layout of most content generated by Joomla core. 3rd party modules may or may not route their output through this component depending on how they are designed. By transferring this module to fully employ the vbulletin template engine there is now no major section of Joomla that cannot be reskinned from the Styles & Templates menu in the admincp. Overall this approach gives a far more flexiable content control system than core Joomla has and will not have until version 1.5 becomes final.
beta 0.0.3: Bugs from beta 0.0.2 corrected including a division by zero error and a module overwriting error. Templates added for the template control of com_content.html.php but they are not as of yet implemented at the code level in this release - they will be implemented in the next release (Wednesday or Thursday)
beta 0.0.2: Tightened template integration - modules are now wrapped by their respective templates instead of being built using Joomla's standard styling approach. includes/frontend.php and includes/frontend.html.php join the list of files hacked in this release.
beta 0.0.1: Initial release with login and session bridging completed.
Надо тебя в баню .
Я закинул версию 0.0.3 .
Yeah, yeah...
My fault, sorry .
KROWKA, поподробней про :

Скажем так, если всё-таки выйдет релиз, то не нужно будет искать шабы под Joomla, потому как с этой интеграцией шаблон форума есть шаблон Joomla :) (я сам чуть не упал когда увидел:eek: ) то есть вся графика, стили и т.д беруться из шаба воблы. Устанавливал несколько шаблонов ... работает ну ура, конечно есть большие недочёты, но с каждой новой версией их всё меньше и меньше. Там даже вход в админку Joomla как в булке (а вот сама админка осталась не тронута, что очень радует). Короче смотри сам - скрин главной страницы со стандартным стилем воблы.

P.S Joomla+vBulletin=LOVE :yahoo:
Всем приветик!
Честно говоря не очень поянтный мануал... Пойду его курить еще раз.
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