[Помощь] PZ23-Статистика Top 5 v1.1

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21 Июн 2008
Помогите плиз решить проблемку, перелопатила все файлы шаблоны не смогла понять, в мод инстайлере файлик не рискую редактировать

Как сменить содержимое отмеченное галочкой?
Я хочу туда баннер вставить, или вообще где меняется все это добро?


Спасибо за помощь.

Неужеле никто не знает? (
Название "Просмотров профиля", думаю понятно, в ланг файле, содержимое в sources/lib/func_top5stats.php строки 137-139
$this->output .= "<tr><td width=\"85%\" title=\"" . $this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'] . "\"><a href=\"" . $this->ipsclass->base_url . "showuser=" . $row['id'] . "\">";
$this->output .=  $formatname . "</a></td>";
$this->output .= "<td align=\"right\" width=\"15%\" class=\"desc\" title=\"" . $this->ipsclass->lang['top_profies'] . "\">" . $row['members_profile_views'] . "</td></tr>";

Смотрел PZ23-Top 5 Statistics v1.0
Название "Просмотров профиля", думаю понятно, в ланг файле, содержимое в sources/lib/func_top5stats.php строки 137-139
$this->output .= "<tr><td width=\"85%\" title=\"" . $this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'] . "\"><a href=\"" . $this->ipsclass->base_url . "showuser=" . $row['id'] . "\">";
$this->output .=  $formatname . "</a></td>";
$this->output .= "<td align=\"right\" width=\"15%\" class=\"desc\" title=\"" . $this->ipsclass->lang['top_profies'] . "\">" . $row['members_profile_views'] . "</td></tr>";

Смотрел PZ23-Top 5 Statistics v1.0

Спасибо.. Но не подскажите какую строчку заменить на свою? (Код баннера) :ah:
вместо этих трёх строчек, вставьте свою
$this->output .= "код банера, и перед все ковычки в этом коде поставить слеш";
У меня нет какжется этих строк, искала поиском.


| CYBER-CITY | Metropolis |
| http://cyber-city.ru    |

|   [PZ23] Top 5 Statistics v1.1
|   =============================================
|   by Elad Nava of Platinum Zone
|   (c) 2007 Elad Nava
|   http://pznetworks.com
|   =============================================
|   Web: http://pznetworks.com
|   > $Revision: 48 $
|   > $Author: John $
|   > [PZ23] Top 5 Statistics module
|   > Module written by Elad Nava of Platinum Zone
|   > Date started: 29th June 2008
|> Module Version Number: 1.1

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
	print "<h1>Некорректный адрес</h1>Вы не имеете доступа к этому файлу напрямую. Если вы недавно обновляли форум, вы должны обновить все соответствующие файлы.";

class top5stats
	function display()
		// INIT...

		$dayAgo	= time() - (24 * 60 * 60);

		// Link to settings

		$modOn				= $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_top5stats'];
		$truncateAmount		= $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_truncation'];
		$excludedGroups		= $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_top5exgroups'];
		$newsForums			= $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_newsforums'] == 'null' ? '' : $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_newsforums'];

		// Set up forum view permissions

		$permittedForums	= array();

		foreach ( $this->ipsclass->forums->forum_by_id as $forum )
			if ( $forum['id'] )
				$permittedForums[] = $forum['id'];

		// Load our skin templates


		if ( $modOn && ! in_array( $this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'], explode( ",", $excludedGroups ) ) )
			// Output statistics table

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->stats();

			// Select latest news

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td( 25 );

			if ( ! $newsForums )
				// Kindly alert the admin of the problem

				$this->output .= "<p class=\"desc\"><span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">Внимание:</span> Выберите разделы последних новостей форума. Для этого пройдите в  Админцентр ---> Настройки [вкладка] ---> [PZ23] Статистика Top 5 v1.1 ---> <b>Разделы последних новостей</b>!</p>";
				// Select latest news from news forums

				$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'tid, last_post, start_date, title', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => "forum_id IN(".$newsForums.")", 'order' => 'start_date DESC', 'limit' => array(0, 5),   ) );

				while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
					// New post marker

					$marker = $row['last_post'] > $dayAgo ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->link_image( "showtopic={$row['tid']}&amp;view=getlastpost" ) : '';

					// Truncate topic title

					$row['truncated_title']		= $this->ipsclass->txt_truncate( $row['title'], $truncateAmount );

					// Format timestamp into user-friendly time

					$row['start_date']	= $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['start_date'], 'JOINED', 1, 0 );

					// Form a link to the topic

					$topicLink			= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showtopic={$row['tid']}", $row['truncated_title'], $row['title'] );

					// Split the data into two TDs

					$firstTD = array(
										'width'		=>	85,
										'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title'],
										'content'	=>	$marker . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $topicLink

					$secondTD = array(
										'width'		=>	15,
										'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title'],
										'content'	=>	$row['start_date']

					$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Select most popular members

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td( 15 );

			// Base query on profile views

			$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'id, mgroup, members_display_name, members_profile_views', 'from' => 'members', 'order' => 'members_profile_views DESC', 'limit' => array(0, 5) ) );

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				$memberName = $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_topformatname'] ? $this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $row['members_display_name'], $row['mgroup'] ) : $row['members_display_name'];

				// Form a link to the topic

				$memberLink			= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showuser={$row['id']}", $memberName );

				// Split the data into two TDs

				$firstTD = array(
									'width'		=>	85,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'],
									'content'	=>	$memberLink

				$secondTD = array(
									'width'		=>	15,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_profies'],
									'content'	=>	 $this->ipsclass->do_number_format( $row['members_profile_views'] )

				$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Select most viewed topics

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td( 25 );

			// Base selection on topic views (duh!)

			$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'tid, last_post, title, views', 'from' => 'topics', 'order' => 'views DESC', 'limit' => array(0, 5) ) );

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				// New post marker

				$marker = $row['last_post'] > $dayAgo ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->link_image( "showtopic={$row['tid']}&amp;view=getlastpost" ) : '';

				// Truncate topic title

				$row['truncated_title'] = $this->ipsclass->txt_truncate( $row['title'], $truncateAmount );

				// Form a link to the topic

				$topicLink			= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showtopic={$row['tid']}", $row['truncated_title'], $row['title'] );

				// Split the data into two TDs

				$firstTD = array(
									'width'		=>	85,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title'],
									'content'	=>	"{$marker}&nbsp;&nbsp;{$topicLink}"

				$secondTD = array(
									'width'		=>	15,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_views'],
									'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->do_number_format( $row['views'] )

				$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Select last 10 posts

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->latest_posts_td();

			// Label the data (split into two TDs)

			$firstTD = array(
								'width'		=>	65,
								'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_ttitle'],
								'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title']

			$secondTD = array(
								'width'		=>	30,
								'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'],
								'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_postertxt']

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			// Filter by perms and get group formatting

			$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 't.*, m.mgroup', 'from' => "topics t LEFT JOIN ".SQL_PREFIX."members m ON (m.id=t.last_poster_id)", 'where' => "t.forum_id IN(".implode( ",", $permittedForums ).")", 'order' => 't.last_post DESC', 'limit' => array(0, 10) ) );

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				// Format the name?

				$memberName = $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_topformatname'] ? $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['prefix'] . $row['last_poster_name'] . $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['suffix'] : '';

				// New post marker

				$marker = $row['last_post'] > $dayAgo ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->link_image( "showtopic={$row['tid']}&amp;view=getlastpost" ) : '';

				// Truncate topic title

				$row['truncated_title'] = $this->ipsclass->txt_truncate( $row['title'], $truncateAmount );

				// Split the data into two TDs

				$firstTD = array(
									'width'		=>	65,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title'],
									'content'	=>	"{$marker}&nbsp;&nbsp;".$this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showtopic={$row['tid']}&amp;view=getlastpost", $row['truncated_title'], $row['title'] )

				$secondTD = array(
									'width'		=>	30,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_postertxt'],
									'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showuser={$row['last_poster_id']}", $memberName )

				$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Start row 2

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->stats_2();

			// Select newest members

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td( 25 );

			// Base selection on joined timestamp

			$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'id, mgroup, joined, members_display_name', 'from' => 'members', 'limit' => array(0, 5), 'order' => 'joined DESC' ) );

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				$memberName = $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_topformatname'] ? $this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $row['members_display_name'], $row['mgroup'] ) : $row['members_display_name'];

				// Format joined date

				$row['joined'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['joined'], 'JOINED', 1, 0 );

				// Split the data into two TDs

				$firstTD = array(
									'width'		=>	85,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'],
									'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showuser={$row['id']}", $memberName )

				$secondTD = array(
									'width'		=>	15,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_datey'],
									'content'	=>	$row['joined']

				$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Select top posters

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td( 15 );

			// Base selection on post count

			$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'id, posts, members_display_name, mgroup', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "posts>0", 'order' => 'posts DESC', 'limit' => array(0, 5) ) );

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				$memberName = $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_topformatname'] ? $this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $row['members_display_name'], $row['mgroup'] ) : $row['members_display_name'];

				// Split the data into two TDs

				$firstTD = array(
									'width'		=>	85,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'],
									'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showuser={$row['id']}", $memberName )

				$secondTD = array(
									'width'		=>	15,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_nolat_posts'],
									'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->do_number_format( $row['posts'] )

				$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Select last visitors

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td( 25 );

			// Base selection on last visit to forum

			$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'id, members_display_name, mgroup, last_visit', 'from' => 'members', 'order' => 'last_visit DESC', 'limit' => array(0, 5) ) );

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				$memberName = $this->ipsclass->vars['pz_topformatname'] ? $this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $row['members_display_name'], $row['mgroup'] ) : $row['members_display_name'];

				// Format last visit to forum

				$row['last_visit'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['last_visit'], 'JOINED', 1, 0 );

				// Split the data into two TDs

				$firstTD = array(
									'width'		=>	85,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_dispyrtxt'],
									'content'	=>	$this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->form_link( "showuser={$row['id']}", $memberName )

				$secondTD = array(
									'width'		=>	15,
									'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_datey'],
									'content'	=>	$row['last_visit']

				$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();
			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->stats_end();


		return $this->output;

Там где я взяла код всё равно не ответят.
попробуйте заменить эту
$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->split_data( $firstTD, $secondTD );
$this->output .= "код банера, и перед все ковычки в этом коде поставить слеш";
Ошибку выдало

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/public_html/sources/lib/func_top5stats.php on line 149

сделала так:

$this->output .= "/код банера/";
всю строчку сюда киньте, можете ссылки спрятать за сайт.ру
					// Split the data into two TDs

					$firstTD = array(
										'width'		=>	85,
										'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title'],
										'content'	=>	$marker . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $topicLink

					$secondTD = array(
										'width'		=>	15,
										'title'		=>	$this->ipsclass->lang['top_title'],
										'content'	=>	$row['start_date']

					$this->output .= "/<a href="сайт.ру" title="Êîïëþ íà óêîë îò áøåíñòâà..." target=_blank><img border="0" src="сайт.ру"></a>"

			$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_top5stats']->td_end();

			// Select most popular members
вот так попробуйте
$this->output .= "<a href=\"http://www..........ru/..........\" title=\"Eiie? ia oeie io aoainoaa...\" target=_blank><img border=\"0\" src=\"http://www..............ru/............\"></a>"
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.