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Помощь Плавное ajax увеличение картинок

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11 Апр 2009
Обыскался в интернете, никак не могу найти подходящий плагин для того чтобы вставленная картинка в Вордпресс при нажатии на нее курсором - медленно увеличивалась до определенного размера.

Возможно Ваш богатый опыт поможет мне разобраться с этим?:bc:
не понимаю что делаю не так с архивом
третья попытка
Не зря говорят - бог троицу любит:)
Этот - рабочий, все пашет.
Размер битого - 104*243 байт.
Размер рабочего(именно третьего) - 322*421 байт.
Наверное что-то правильно сделали.
вопрос по плагину "viva thumb-zoom". как убрать "Powered by vivazoom" которое появляется на увеличеной картинке?

варианта два; ищешь в файлах плагина граф. файлик с надписью и заменяешь на свой размером 1х1.

ищешь в исходниках строку "Powered by vivazoom" и заменяешь на ""
ugcker спс...на самом деле там текст, по этому можно уменьшить размер в цсс. но я сделал по другому - в js-файлике имеется закодированый код (где и находится данная текст-ссылка) - решаеться раскодировкой, редактированием (удалением ссылки или изменением на свою) и пересохранением.
собственно я прикрепил тут файлик JS который и закодирован.
выложиЛ декомпилированную версию плиз

var vz = {
    graphicsDir: 'graphics/',
    restoreCursor: 'zoomout.cur',
    expandSteps: 10,
    expandDuration: 250,
    restoreSteps: 10,
    restoreDuration: 250,
    marginLeft: 15,
    marginRight: 15,
    marginTop: 15,
    marginBottom: 15,
    zIndexCounter: 1001,
    restoreTitle: 'Click to close image, click and drag to move. Use arrow keys for next and previous.',
    loadingText: 'Loading...',
    loadingTitle: 'Click to cancel',
    loadingOpacity: 0.75,
    focusTitle: 'Click to bring to front',
    allowMultipleInstances: true,
    numberOfImagesToPreload: 5,
    captionSlideSpeed: 1,
    padToMinWidth: false,
    outlineWhileAnimating: 2,
    outlineStartOffset: 3,
    fullExpandTitle: 'Expand to actual size',
    fullExpandPosition: 'bottom right',
    fullExpandOpacity: 1,
    showCredits: true,
    creditsText: 'Powered by <i>Viva Zoom</i>',
    creditsHref: 'http://www.Mediatricks.biz',
    creditsTitle: 'Go to the Viva Plugins Homepage',
    enableKeyListener: true,
    previousText: 'Previous',
    nextText: 'Next',
    moveText: 'Move',
    closeText: 'Close',
    closeTitle: 'Click to close',
    resizeTitle: 'Resize',
    allowWidthReduction: false,
    allowHeightReduction: true,
    preserveContent: true,
    objectLoadTime: 'before',
    cacheAjax: true,
    captionId: null,
    spaceForCaption: 30,
    slideshowGroup: null,
    minWidth: 200,
    minHeight: 200,
    allowSizeReduction: true,
    outlineType: 'drop-shadow',
    wrapperClassName: 'highslide-wrapper',
    preloadTheseImages: [],
    continuePreloading: true,
    expanders: [],
    overrides: ['allowSizeReduction', 'outlineType', 'outlineWhileAnimating', 'spaceForCaption', 'captionId', 'captionText', 'captionEval', 'contentId', 'width', 'height', 'allowWidthReduction', 'allowHeightReduction', 'preserveContent', 'objectType', 'cacheAjax', 'objectWidth', 'objectHeight', 'objectLoadTime', 'swfObject', 'wrapperClassName', 'minWidth', 'minHeight', 'slideshowGroup', 'easing', 'easingClose', 'fadeInOut'],
    overlays: [],
    idCounter: 0,
    faders: [],
    pendingOutlines: {},
    sleeping: [],
    preloadTheseAjax: [],
    cacheBindings: [],
    cachedGets: {},
    clones: {},
    ie: (document.all && !window.opera),
    safari: /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent),
    geckoMac: /Macintosh.+rv:1\.[0-8].+Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent),
    $: function (a) {
        return document.getElementById(a)
    push: function (a, b) {
        a[a.length] = b
    createElement: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
        var f = document.createElement(a);
        if (b) vz.setAttribs(f, b);
        if (e) vz.setStyles(f, {
            padding: 0,
            border: 'none',
            margin: 0
        if (c) vz.setStyles(f, c);
        if (d) d.appendChild(f);
        return f
    setAttribs: function (a, b) {
        for (var x in b) a[x] = b[x]
    setStyles: function (a, b) {
        for (var x in b) {
            try {
                if (vz.ie && x == 'opacity') {
                    if (b[x] > 0.99) a.style.removeAttribute('filter');
                    else a.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (b[x] * 100) + ')'
                } else a.style[x] = b[x]
            } catch (e) {}
    ieVersion: function () {
        var a = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE");
        return a[1] ? parseFloat(a[1]) : null
    getPageSize: function () {
        var a = document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat" ? document.documentElement : document.body;
        var b = vz.ie ? a.clientWidth : (document.documentElement.clientWidth || self.innerWidth),
            height = vz.ie ? a.clientHeight : self.innerHeight;
        return {
            width: b,
            height: height,
            scrollLeft: vz.ie ? a.scrollLeft : pageXOffset,
            scrollTop: vz.ie ? a.scrollTop : pageYOffset
    position: function (a) {
        var p = {
            x: a.offsetLeft,
            y: a.offsetTop
        while (a.offsetParent) {
            a = a.offsetParent;
            p.x += a.offsetLeft;
            p.y += a.offsetTop;
            if (a != document.body && a != document.documentElement) {
                p.x -= a.scrollLeft;
                p.y -= a.scrollTop
        return p
    expand: function (a, b, c) {
        if (a.getParams) return b;
        try {
            new vz.Expander(a, b, c);
            return false
        } catch (e) {
            return true
    htmlExpand: function (a, b, c) {
        if (a.getParams) return b;
        for (var i = 0; i < vz.sleeping.length; i++) {
            if (vz.sleeping[i] && vz.sleeping[i].a == a) {
                vz.sleeping[i] = null;
                return false
        try {
            vz.hasHtmlexpanders = true;
            new vz.Expander(a, b, c, 'html');
            return false
        } catch (e) {
            return true
    getElementByClass: function (a, b, c) {
        var d = a.getElementsByTagName(b);
        for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
            if ((new RegExp(c)).test(d[i].className)) {
                return d[i]
        return null
    getSelfRendered: function () {
        var s = '<div class="highslide-header"><ul>' + '<li class="highslide-previous"><a onclick="return vz.previous(this)" href="#">' + vz.previousText + '</a></li>' + '<li class="highslide-next"><a onclick="return vz.next(this)" href="#">' + vz.nextText + '</a></li>' + '<li class="highslide-move"><a href="#" onclick="return false">' + vz.moveText + '</a></li>' + '<li class="highslide-close"><a onclick="return vz.close(this)" title="' + vz.closeTitle + '" href="#">' + vz.closeText + '</a></li>' + '</ul></div>' + '<div class="highslide-body"></div>' + '<div class="highslide-footer"><div>' + '<span class="highslide-resize" title="' + vz.resizeTitle + '"><span></span></span>' + '</div></div>';
        return vz.createElement('div', {
            className: 'highslide-html-content',
            innerHTML: s
    getCacheBinding: function (a) {
        for (var i = 0; i < vz.cacheBindings.length; i++) {
            if (vz.cacheBindings[i][0] == a) {
                var c = vz.cacheBindings[i][1];
                vz.cacheBindings[i][1] = c.cloneNode(1);
                return c
        return null
    preloadAjax: function (e) {
        var b = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
        var a, re;
        for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            a = b[i];
            re = vz.isvzAnchor(a);
            if (re && re[0] == 'vz.htmlExpand' && vz.getParam(a, 'objectType') == 'ajax' && vz.getParam(a, 'cacheAjax')) {
                vz.push(vz.preloadTheseAjax, a)
    preloadAjaxElement: function (i) {
        if (!vz.preloadTheseAjax[i]) return;
        var a = vz.preloadTheseAjax[i];
        var b = vz.getNode(vz.getParam(a, 'contentId'));
        if (!b) b = vz.getSelfRendered();
        var c = new vz.Ajax(a, b, 1);
        c.onError = function () {};
        c.onLoad = function () {
            vz.push(vz.cacheBindings, [a, b]);
            vz.preloadAjaxElement(i + 1)
    focusTopmost: function () {
        var a = 0,
            topmostKey = -1;
        for (var i = 0; i < vz.expanders.length; i++) {
            if (vz.expanders[i]) {
                if (vz.expanders[i].wrapper.style.zIndex && vz.expanders[i].wrapper.style.zIndex > a) {
                    a = vz.expanders[i].wrapper.style.zIndex;
                    topmostKey = i
        if (topmostKey == -1) vz.focusKey = -1;
        else vz.expanders[topmostKey].focus()
    getAdjacentAnchor: function (a, b) {
        var c = document.getElementsByTagName('A'),
            vzAr = {},
            activeI = -1,
            j = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
            if (vz.isvzAnchor(c[i]) && ((vz.expanders[a].slideshowGroup == vz.getParam(c[i], 'slideshowGroup')))) {
                vzAr[j] = c[i];
                if (vz.expanders[a] && c[i] == vz.expanders[a].a) {
                    activeI = j
        return vzAr[activeI + b] || null
    getParam: function (a, b) {
        a.getParams = a.onclick;
        var p = a.getParams ? a.getParams() : null;
        a.getParams = null;
        return (p && typeof p[b] != 'undefined') ? p[b] : (typeof vz[b] != 'undefined' ? vz[b] : null)
    getSrc: function (a) {
        var b = vz.getParam(a, 'src');
        if (b) return b;
        return a.href
    getNode: function (b) {
        var c = vz.$(b),
            clone = vz.clones[b],
            a = {};
        if (!c && !clone) return null;
        if (!clone) {
            clone = c.cloneNode(true);
            clone.id = '';
            vz.clones[b] = clone;
            return c
        } else {
            return clone.cloneNode(true)
    purge: function (d) {
        var a = d.attributes,
            i, l, n;
        if (a) {
            l = a.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
                n = a[i].name;
                if (typeof d[n] === 'function') {
                    d[n] = null
        a = d.childNodes;
        if (a) {
            l = a.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 1) vz.purge(d.childNodes[i])
    discardElement: function (d) {
        if (vz.ie) vz.purge(d);
        vz.garbageBin.innerHTML = ''
    previousOrNext: function (a, b) {
        var c = vz.last = vz.getExpander(a);
        try {
            var d = vz.upcoming = vz.getAdjacentAnchor(c.key, b);
        } catch (e) {}
        try {
        } catch (e) {}
        return false
    previous: function (a) {
        return vz.previousOrNext(a, -1)
    next: function (a) {
        return vz.previousOrNext(a, 1)
    keyHandler: function (e) {
        if (!e) e = window.event;
        if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement;
        if (e.target.form) return true;
        var a = null;
        switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 32:
        case 34:
        case 39:
        case 40:
            a = 1;
        case 8:
        case 33:
        case 37:
        case 38:
            a = -1;
        case 27:
        case 13:
            a = 0
        if (a !== null) {
            vz.removeEventListener(document, 'keydown', vz.keyHandler);
            if (!vz.enableKeyListener) return true;
            if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
            else e.returnValue = false;
            if (a == 0) {
                try {
                } catch (e) {}
                return false
            } else {
                return vz.previousOrNext(vz.focusKey, a)
        return true
    registerOverlay: function (a) {
        vz.push(vz.overlays, a)
    getWrapperKey: function (a) {
        var b, re = /^highslide-wrapper-([0-9]+)$/;
        b = a;
        while (b.parentNode) {
            if (b.id && re.test(b.id)) return b.id.replace(re, "$1");
            b = b.parentNode
        b = a;
        while (b.parentNode) {
            if (b.tagName && vz.isvzAnchor(b)) {
                for (var c = 0; c < vz.expanders.length; c++) {
                    var d = vz.expanders[c];
                    if (d && d.a == b) return c
            b = b.parentNode
        return null
    getExpander: function (a) {
        if (typeof a == 'undefined') return vz.expanders[vz.focusKey] || null;
        if (typeof a == 'number') return vz.expanders[a] || null;
        if (typeof a == 'string') a = vz.$(a);
        return vz.expanders[vz.getWrapperKey(a)] || null
    isvzAnchor: function (a) {
        return (a.onclick && a.onclick.toString().replace(/\s/g, ' ').match(/vz.(htmlE|e)xpand/))
    reOrder: function () {
        for (var i = 0; i < vz.expanders.length; i++) if (vz.expanders[i] && vz.expanders[i].isExpanded) vz.focusTopmost()
    mouseClickHandler: function (e) {
        if (!e) e = window.event;
        if (e.button > 1) return true;
        if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement;
        var a = e.target;
        while (a.parentNode && !(/highslide-(image|move|html|resize)/.test(a.className))) {
            a = a.parentNode
        var b = vz.getExpander(a);
        if (b && (b.isClosing || !b.isExpanded)) return true;
        if (b && e.type == 'mousedown') {
            if (e.target.form) return true;
            var c = a.className.match(/highslide-(image|move|resize)/);
            if (c) {
                vz.dragArgs = {
                    exp: b,
                    type: c[1],
                    left: b.x.min,
                    width: b.x.span,
                    top: b.y.min,
                    height: b.y.span,
                    clickX: e.clientX,
                    clickY: e.clientY
                vz.addEventListener(document, 'mousemove', vz.dragHandler);
                if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
                if (/highslide-(image|html)-blur/.test(b.content.className)) {
                    vz.hasFocused = true
                return false
            } else if (/highslide-html/.test(a.className) && vz.focusKey != b.key) {
        } else if (e.type == 'mouseup') {
            vz.removeEventListener(document, 'mousemove', vz.dragHandler);
            if (vz.dragArgs) {
                if (vz.dragArgs.type == 'image') vz.dragArgs.exp.content.style.cursor = vz.styleRestoreCursor;
                var d = vz.dragArgs.hasDragged;
                if (!d && !vz.hasFocused && !/(move|resize)/.test(vz.dragArgs.type)) {
                } else if (d || (!d && vz.hasHtmlexpanders)) {
                if (vz.dragArgs.exp.releaseMask) vz.dragArgs.exp.releaseMask.style.display = 'none';
                vz.hasFocused = false;
                vz.dragArgs = null
            } else if (/highslide-image-blur/.test(a.className)) {
                a.style.cursor = vz.styleRestoreCursor
        return false
    dragHandler: function (e) {
        if (!vz.dragArgs) return true;
        if (!e) e = window.event;
        var a = vz.dragArgs,
            exp = a.exp;
        if (exp.iframe) {
            if (!exp.releaseMask) exp.releaseMask = vz.createElement('div', null, {
                position: 'absolute',
                width: exp.x.span + 'px',
                height: exp.y.span + 'px',
                left: 0,
                top: 0,
                zIndex: 4,
                background: (vz.ie ? 'white' : 'none'),
                opacity: 0.01
            }, exp.wrapper, true);
            if (exp.releaseMask.style.display == 'none') exp.releaseMask.style.display = ''
        a.dX = e.clientX - a.clickX;
        a.dY = e.clientY - a.clickY;
        var b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.dX, 2) + Math.pow(a.dY, 2));
        if (!a.hasDragged) a.hasDragged = (a.type != 'image' && b > 0) || (b > (vz.dragSensitivity || 5));
        if (a.hasDragged && e.clientX > 5 && e.clientY > 5) {
            if (a.type == 'resize') exp.resize(a);
            else exp.move(a)
        return false
    wrapperMouseHandler: function (e) {
        try {
            if (!e) e = window.event;
            var a = /mouseover/i.test(e.type);
            if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement;
            if (vz.ie) e.relatedTarget = a ? e.fromElement : e.toElement;
            var b = vz.getExpander(e.target);
            if (!b || !e.relatedTarget || vz.getExpander(e.relatedTarget) == b || vz.dragArgs) return;
            for (var i = 0; i < b.overlays.length; i++) {
                var o = vz.$('vzId' + b.overlays[i]);
                if (o && o.getAttribute('hideOnMouseOut')) {
                    var c = a ? 0 : o.getAttribute('opacity'),
                        to = a ? o.getAttribute('opacity') : 0;
                    vz.fade(o, c, to)
        } catch (e) {}
    addEventListener: function (a, b, c) {
        try {
            a.addEventListener(b, c, false)
        } catch (e) {
            try {
                a.detachEvent('on' + b, c);
                a.attachEvent('on' + b, c)
            } catch (e) {
                a['on' + b] = c
    removeEventListener: function (a, b, c) {
        try {
            a.removeEventListener(b, c, false)
        } catch (e) {
            try {
                a.detachEvent('on' + b, c)
            } catch (e) {
                a['on' + b] = null
    preloadFullImage: function (i) {
        if (vz.continuePreloading && vz.preloadTheseImages[i] && vz.preloadTheseImages[i] != 'undefined') {
            var a = document.createElement('img');
            a.onload = function () {
                a = null;
                vz.preloadFullImage(i + 1)
            a.src = vz.preloadTheseImages[i]
    preloadImages: function (b) {
        if (b && typeof b != 'object') vz.numberOfImagesToPreload = b;
        var a, re, j = 0;
        var c = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
        for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
            a = c[i];
            re = vz.isvzAnchor(a);
            if (re && re[0] == 'vz.expand') {
                if (j < vz.numberOfImagesToPreload) {
                    vz.preloadTheseImages[j] = vz.getSrc(a);
        new vz.Outline(vz.outlineType, function () {
        var d = vz.createElement('img', {
            src: vz.graphicsDir + vz.restoreCursor
    genContainer: function () {
        if (!vz.container) {
            vz.container = vz.createElement('div', null, {
                position: 'absolute',
                left: 0,
                top: 0,
                width: '100%',
                zIndex: vz.zIndexCounter
            }, document.body, true);
            vz.loading = vz.createElement('a', {
                className: 'highslide-loading',
                title: vz.loadingTitle,
                innerHTML: vz.loadingText,
                href: 'javascript:void(0)'
            }, {
                position: 'absolute',
                opacity: vz.loadingOpacity,
                left: '-9999px',
                zIndex: 1
            }, vz.container);
            vz.garbageBin = vz.createElement('div', null, {
                display: 'none'
            }, vz.container);
            vz.clearing = vz.createElement('div', null, {
                clear: 'both',
                paddingTop: '1px'
            }, null, true);
            Math.linearTween = function (t, b, c, d) {
                return c * t / d + b
            Math.easeInQuad = function (t, b, c, d) {
                return c * (t /= d) * t + b
            vz.ie6SSL = (vz.ie && vz.ieVersion() <= 6 && location.protocol == 'https:')
    fade: function (a, o, b, c, i, d) {
        if (typeof i == 'undefined') {
            if (typeof c != 'number') c = 250;
            if (c < 25) {
                vz.setStyles(a, {
                    opacity: b
            i = vz.faders.length;
            d = b > o ? 1 : -1;
            var e = (25 / (c - c % 25)) * Math.abs(o - b)
        o = parseFloat(o);
        a.style.visibility = (o <= 0) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
        if (o < 0 || (d == 1 && o > b)) return;
        if (a.fading && a.fading.i != i) {
            o = a.fading.o
        a.fading = {
            i: i,
            o: o,
            step: (e || a.fading.step)
        a.style.visibility = (o <= 0) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
        vz.setStyles(a, {
            opacity: o
        vz.faders[i] = setTimeout(function () {
            vz.fade(a, o + a.fading.step * d, b, null, i, d)
        }, 25)
    close: function (a) {
        var b = vz.getExpander(a);
        if (b) b.close();
        return false
vz.Outline = function (a, b) {
    this.onLoad = b;
    this.outlineType = a;
    var v = vz.ieVersion(),
    this.hasAlphaImageLoader = vz.ie && v >= 5.5 && v < 7;
    if (!a) {
        if (b) b();
    this.table = vz.createElement('table', {
        cellSpacing: 0
    }, {
        visibility: 'hidden',
        position: 'absolute',
        borderCollapse: 'collapse'
    }, vz.container, true);
    var c = vz.createElement('tbody', null, null, this.table, 1);
    this.td = [];
    for (var i = 0; i <= 8; i++) {
        if (i % 3 == 0) tr = vz.createElement('tr', null, {
            height: 'auto'
        }, c, true);
        this.td[i] = vz.createElement('td', null, null, tr, true);
        var d = i != 4 ? {
            lineHeight: 0,
            fontSize: 0
        } : {
            position: 'relative'
        vz.setStyles(this.td[i], d)
    this.td[4].className = a;
vz.Outline.prototype = {
    preloadGraphic: function () {
        var a = vz.graphicsDir + (vz.outlinesDir || "outlines/") + this.outlineType + ".png";
        var b = vz.safari ? vz.container : null;
        this.graphic = vz.createElement('img', null, {
            position: 'absolute',
            left: '-9999px',
            top: '-9999px'
        }, b, true);
        var c = this;
        this.graphic.onload = function () {
        this.graphic.src = a
    onGraphicLoad: function () {
        var o = this.offset = this.graphic.width / 4,
            pos = [
                [0, 0],
                [0, -4],
                [-2, 0],
                [0, -8], 0, [-2, -8],
                [0, -2],
                [0, -6],
                [-2, -2]
            dim = {
                height: (2 * o) + 'px',
                width: (2 * o) + 'px'
        for (var i = 0; i <= 8; i++) {
            if (pos[i]) {
                if (this.hasAlphaImageLoader) {
                    var w = (i == 1 || i == 7) ? '100%' : this.graphic.width + 'px';
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                        height: '100%',
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                        left: (pos[i][0] * o) + 'px',
                        top: (pos[i][1] * o) + 'px'
                    }, a, true)
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                        background: 'url(' + this.graphic.src + ') ' + (pos[i][0] * o) + 'px ' + (pos[i][1] * o) + 'px'
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    setPosition: function (a, x, y, w, h, b) {
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    destroy: function (a) {
        if (a) this.table.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        else vz.discardElement(this.table)
vz.Expander = function (a, b, c, d) {
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            return false
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        className: this.wrapperClassName
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        visibility: 'hidden',
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        this[this.contentType + 'Create']()
    } else {
        var j = this;
        new vz.Outline(this.outlineType, function () {
            j[j.contentType + 'Create']()
    return true
vz.Expander.prototype = {
    connectOutline: function (x, y) {
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        w.table.style.zIndex = this.wrapper.style.zIndex;
        vz.pendingOutlines[this.outlineType] = null
    displayLoading: function () {
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            left = (this.thumbLeft + this.thumbOffsetBorderW + (this.thumbWidth - this.loading.offsetWidth) / 2) + 'px';
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    imageCreate: function () {
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            return false
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    htmlCreate: function () {
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            position: 'relative',
            zIndex: 3,
            overflow: 'hidden'
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                if (vz.expanders[b.key]) b.contentLoaded()
            a.onError = function () {
                location.href = vz.getSrc(this.a)
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    contentLoaded: function () {
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                    left: '-9999px',
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                marginMax: a,
                scroll: g.scrollLeft,
                clientSpan: g.width,
                thumbSpan: this.thumbWidth
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                span: this.newHeight,
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                marginMax: this.marginBottom,
                scroll: g.scrollTop,
                clientSpan: g.height,
                thumbSpan: this.thumbHeight
            var i = this.y.min + parseInt(this.thumbHeight);
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        } catch (e) {
            window.location.href = vz.getSrc(this.a)
    setObjContainerSize: function (a, b) {
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    writeExtendedContent: function () {
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                frameBorder: 0,
                allowTransparency: true,
                key: this.key
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                width: this.objectWidth + 'px',
                height: h + 'px'
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                this.iframe.style.height = '300px'
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            position: 'absolute',
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            width: this.iframe.style.width,
            height: this.iframe.style.height
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    justify: function (p) {
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        return p
    correctRatio: function (a) {
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            w: this.x.span,
            h: this.y.span,
            imgW: this.x.imgSpan,
            o: this.objOutline ? this.objOutline.offset : 0
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    changeSize: function (b, c, d, e, f) {
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                    size = {};
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                    size[x] = easing(t, c[x], d[x] - c[x], e);
                    if (/[xywh]/.test(x)) size[x] = Math.round(size[x])
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                    if (b && a == 1) {
                        exp.content.style.visibility = 'visible';
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        }, t)
    setSize: function (a) {
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                opacity: a.op
            if (this.objOutline && this.outlineWhileAnimating) {
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            vz.setStyles(this.wrapper, {
                'visibility': 'visible',
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                'top': a.y + 'px'
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            window.location.href = vz.getSrc(this.a)
    afterExpand: function () {
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                        doc = this.iframe.contentDocument || this.iframe.contentWindow.document;
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                        if (vz.focusKey != a.key) a.focus()
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        if (!this.caption) this.prepareNextOutline()
    prepareNextOutline: function () {
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        var b = this.outlineType;
        new vz.Outline(b, function () {
            try {
            } catch (e) {}
    preloadNext: function () {
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            src: vz.getSrc(a)
    cancelLoading: function () {
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vz.Ajax = function (a, b, c) {
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vz.Ajax.prototype = {
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var vzExpander = vz.Expander;
vz.addEventListener(document, 'mousedown', vz.mouseClickHandler);
vz.addEventListener(document, 'mouseup', vz.mouseClickHandler);
vz.addEventListener(window, 'load', vz.preloadImages);
vz.addEventListener(window, 'load', vz.preloadAjax);


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