Access granted

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Access granted. I´M SEARCH THIS MODUL
СПС за данный компонент!!:yahoo:

Так а зачем нужен этот компонент то?
Using Access Granted (AG), you can define the access level a user needs to access in the Joomla Frontend and
Backend for:
* a menu item (using the Joomla standard menu system)
* a component, a module, a mambot
* content icons (Print | PDF | Email)
* frontend editing
* a section, a category, a content item
This article is a follow-up of the previous one: ACL hacks for Joomla! (opens new browser window), and this component
looks like a very nice and still affordable way to solve this problem.

AG contains a very powerfull user management system, with handy filters to make user selections based on diverse
criteria. The user management also contains simple but missed tools, like resending emails with passwords to users.
this module can paypal acces ?
возможно при помощи модуля разрешить определенным пользователям добавлять статьи только в разрешенные категории?

Добавлено через 14 минут
на joomla не пашет..
кстати, в архиве то ли xml не правильный, то ли папок не хватает..:confused:
отпишитесь кто с ним работал!
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